Ellie Muzzlewhite (BSc Children's Nursing)
I completed a national elective in my second year in a UK school nursing team. As a student children’s nurse, this was a pathway I was interested in perusing, however my host trust didn’t offer it – so what better way to get the experience than in a four-week elective!
I found the process of applying for an elective straight-forwards and very well organised. I would absolutely recommend completing an elective placement to every nursing and midwifery student. I completed a community placement which was completely non-clinical, and I still learnt loads, which has proven very useful in my most recent simulation block at university. School nursing is a diverse role, covering safeguarding to health promotion.
I had a range of experiences with numerous different members of staff, ranging from band 2/3’s to band 7/8’s. Each staff member provided a different perspective on child health and helped my knowledge of social services and safeguarding school-aged children grow. Overall, I had an excellent experience in school nursing and would urge any first-year student considering completing an elective to go for it!