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The Essential Knowledge for Obstetric Medicine

Key information

Subject area:

Life Sciences & Medicine

Course type:

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Credit level:


Credit value:



11 weeks

Available course dates:

From: 22 January 2026 To: 25 March 2026
Application deadline: 19 December 2025

Course overview

Please select one of the following module options on the King's Apply search field to be able to locate this course:


    Postgraduate Medicine Free Standing Module (30 Credits)




    Postgraduate Medicine Free Standing Module (0 Credits)

    Candidates wishing to participate in the course without undertaking the formal assessments, may choose to do so by selecting the course as a zero-credit free-standing module. In this case, participants will remain part of the same learning environment as candidates undertaking the credit-bearing module, but will not participate in the formal assessment activities (Essay and Oral presentation). All participants will be required to contribute to the Oral presentation as a learning activity. This option is accredited by CPD UK and candidates will get a Certificate of completion. For more information about this option, contact Course Administrator – Evgenia Kovryga.

This core module provides the opportunity for advancement of knowledge of obstetric medicine in a multidisciplinary setting which encompasses medical disorders in pregnancy. Specialist lectures and interactive learning opportunities will actively engage students. The module draws upon all the clinical and academic strengths within the Kings Health Partners and the KCL Department of Women and Children's Health (please refer to the Delegate Information Booklet at the bottom of this page).

This module is for all health professionals working on the shop floor. Improve your clinical knowledge and strengthen multi-disciplinary team working.

Geographical location: United Kingdom; Overseas applicants may enquire.

The course delivered as blended learning (please refer to the Course Handbook further down the page). The in-person teaching on 22 and 23 January, 2026 will be streamed online to enable international delegates join in remotely. The teaching activities on 24 and 25 March, 2026 will be recorded and added to the learning platform. 


"This course not only equips you with in-depth yet always applicable knowledge of the latest evidence and practice in obstetric medicine. It also provides an engaging, interdisciplinary learning platform that encourages all participants to exchange ideas and perspectives on common challenges in our day-to-day work. A refreshing, comprehensive and much-needed clinical course for everyone involved in maternal healthcare." Bavo Hendriks, Fellow perinatology and social obstetrics, University Hospital Antwerp, 2024 Alumni.

"As a consultant anaesthetist working at a maternal medicine hub I needed to enhance my maternal medicine skills. The Essential Knowledge for Obstetric Medicine course covered a broad range of topics and met my educational needs. I particularly enjoyed studying with a multi-professional group, reflecting the MDT working I am used to in the NHS when planning care for high-risk pregnant women. Since undertaking the course I have had the confidence to join the antenatal anaesthetic assessment service and am now supporting a colleague to apply for, and undertake the course in the 2023 cohort." Claire Williams, Consultant Anaesthetist, 2023 Alumni.

"I found the obstetric medicine course to provide an intellectually stimulating forum that encouraged discussion across multiple specialties. It was both engaging and enjoyable to work with clinicians from other hospitals and areas of expertise, learning from each others experience. What was most special however was the passion and drive of the group to make care in maternity services safer and better. This was especially evident in our leaders that included world renowned academics whom we had the privilege to learn from. A well-structured, holistic and thought-provoking course that challenges us to question our current beliefs and practices and make us better clinicians." Vicki Lashmar, Internal medicine trainee, 2022 Alumni.

"The Essentials of Obstetric Medicine course gave me the opportunity to meet people with a shared passion for the topic. Learning with your MDT colleagues is invaluable, forging relationships and learning from each other as everyone brings their area of expertise to the course. The range of speakers was fantastic and nothing short of inspirational. I wish to be a consultant in obstetric anaesthesia so it really complimented my clinical time whilst I was doing my advanced training module in obstetrics." Kate Fletcher, ST6 Anaesthetic Registrar, 2022 Alumni.

"Overall, a challenging, engaging and a thoroughly interesting course. Highly recommended. Attended the course from a Midwifery perspective but got much more out of it than I expected. I enjoyed working within a multidisciplinary team class, doing group work, addressing pathophysiological questions from all valued members of the group. From medics to allied health professionals. The content of the course was delivered at the right level for my understanding and previous knowledge and was layered on as I progressed through the course. I felt supported by the lecturers & peers and made many valuable friends along the way." Sylvia Wachtendorff, Midwife, 2022 Alumni.

What does this course cover?

Last year, participants included doctors, midwives and pharmacists. The feedback, was overwhelmingly positive and highlighted the value of learning in a multi-professional cohort. Recent reports, including the second Ockenden report highlight the impact of lack of inter-professional working and identify lack of knowledge as contributory factors to stalling national progress in reducing the rate of maternal death. The Essential Knowledge of Obstetric Medicine course has been developed to address the knowledge gaps that contribute to poor outcomes and indirect causes of maternal death, and the teaching cuts across a range of professions that have traditionally been taught in silos.

The purpose of this module is:
  • To enable students to focus on, and develop an in-depth and contemporary understanding of the physiological and pathophysiology influences of pregnancy.
  • To outline the common medical disorders in pregnancy so that they can confidently critically evaluate the medical conditions and impact on maternal and fetal/infant health.
  • To provide students insight and knowledge of how to support oneself and others to diagnose and treat pregnant women with medical disorders on a team.

What will I achieve?

By the end of this module students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological influences that impact on the health of women during pregnancy and their infants.
  • Critically evaluate and appraise the management of common medical disorders in pregnancy to develop their own opinion of the current knowledge landscape.
  • Work independently to effectively apply and communicate their knowledge and understanding to a multidisciplinary audience though verbal and written formats delivering patient-centred care.

Who is this for?

This course is for clinical professionals: midwives, pharmacists, physicians, obstetricians, obstetric anesthetist, doctors in training, obstetric physician, nurses, paramedics, general practitioners, and allied health professional (AHP).

The expectation is that participants will have a professional qualification related to their clinical work in maternity services. Minimum entry requirements are either a medical degree (such as an MBBS) or, for other allied health professionals, a professional qualification in their respective area.

How will I be assessed?

Formative and summative assessments:

Formative assessments (non-credit bearing option): Your feedback and any mark (if given) for any formative activities will not go towards your final result. The grade and feedback you receive are designed to help you develop and improve your work.

Summative assessments (credit bearing option): All marks for the following assessments are described as summative and are used to calculate your final mark:

  1. Written assignment: Critical Reflective Essay (3500words);
  2. Group Oral Presentation (30 minute in-person activity - an individual assessment as part of the group’s participation).

What is the teaching schedule?

Course Delivery

The course mode is blended with a number of the face-to-face teaching, online tutorials and resources. It includes four face-to-face days:

15th and 16h January, 2025 (in-person full day) - Course introduction and interactive lectures with Q &A;

27th and 28th March, 2025 (in-person full day) - interactive lectures, simulation training, Action Learning Teams' work and Oral Presentation assessment

23rd January - 20th March - weekly online tutorials on Teams (every Thursdays at 17:30-19:30pm with the exception of the 20th February, Reading Week).

The learning material and academic resources are provided online on KEATS (King's E-learning and Teaching Service). Part of the course hours (180 hours) are dedicated to self-learning; Reading list will be essential to refer to as part of the learning.

Please see a copy of the Course Handbook 2025. The updated program for the new academic year, 2025-26, will be provided upon enrolment.

Our partners

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King's Health Partners

Course status:


Full fee £2490

Overseas Students £5180



  • For registration enquiries please contact the Course Team at or;

    For academic course enquiries please contact Course Academic Lead, Anita Banerjee at

A blue tick surrounded by a square outline next to blue text saying “CPD Accredited”. This image confirms the short course has been accredited as conforming to continuing professional development principles.

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