Qualitative Research Methods for Mental Health in War and Conflict
Course overview
There is a prevalence of ill mental health due to conflict and war-affected populations worldwide. Yet, we lack locally relevant and reliable mental health information as research capacity and resources are insufficient.
This four-week course will expose you to various research methodologies, skills and resources.
You will develop the qualitative research skills needed to explore these intersections and design your own research project.
What’s more, you will explore relevant case studies which focus on the particularly vulnerable. With this knowledge, you will learn about the ethical challenges you could face when conducting research with war-affected populations and learn how to adapt different research methods to these communities.
What does this course cover?
You will receive training on qualitative research methods that include topics such as project development, sampling techniques, various data collection methods, dissemination, coding and analysis.
This will equip you to conduct qualitative research using different methods suited to your subject matter. Your knowledge will also assist you in collecting and disseminating your findings successfully.
Your learning will culminate in the designing of a research project. You will need to apply a range of qualitative methods and strategies focusing on mental health in contexts of war and conflict.
You will be guided by the mental health research experts at King’s College London and Birzeit University who will enable you to develop your project successfully and equip you with transferable research skills.
What topics will you cover?
- The impact of war and conflict on health including mental health
- The ethics of researching vulnerable populations
- Qualitative research on mental health in war and conflict
- Research project development (Finding a research topic, developing research questions, deciding on a sampling approach)
- Qualitative research methods (Observations, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions)
- Qualitative data analysis (Coding, theme development, thematic analysis)
- Communication and dissemination of research findings (The elevator pitch; conference presentations, poster presentations, infographics)
What will I achieve?
By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...
- Understand the intersection between research methods, mental health and war and conflict
- Adapt research methods to populations suffering from mental health and psychosocial problems due to their exposure to war and conflict
- Design a research project and apply a range of qualitative methods including sampling, data collection and analysis
- Develop bespoke methodological strategies for researching topics focusing on mental and psychosocial health in contexts of war and conflict
- Present and disseminate their research findings in different contexts including academia, policy, and advocacy
Who will I learn with?
Professor of Global Health
Senior Lecturer in Global Health & Social Medicine Education
Who is this for?
This course is designed for those working in the field of mental health and psychosocial support.
It will be particularly helpful for mental health and psychosocial researchers and practitioners working in different parts of the world which are affected by war and conflict.