An Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
Course overview
The course will give an overview and introduction to qualitative research methods, including individual interviews, focus group discussions, observation, ethical issues, and thematic analysis, NVivo and rigour in qualitative research. The course will also highlight the different theoretical approaches to data collection and analysis, including the Grounded Theory Approach, Ethnography and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
The Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods' Summer School is offered by the Qualitative Health Research Centre (QUAHRC) at King's College London.
What does this course cover?
This four-day course aims to provide students with an understanding of the purpose and appropriate use of qualitative research methods. The course is intended to be both practical and accessible and aims to equip students with the skills to undertake their own qualitative research. Course tutors will provide examples from their own work to illustrate the application of qualitative research in the mental health field. Different theoretical approaches to data collection and analysis will be explored, including the Grounded Theory approach and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Methods to be described will include individual interviews, focus group discussions, observation and content and thematic analysis.
What will I achieve?
By the end of the summer school, students should be able to: (1) Understand the epistemological assumptions of qualitative research and key principles and practices of different theoretical perspectives, including Grounded Theory and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. (2) Understand the purpose and application of qualitative methods of data collection including interviews, focus groups and participant observation. (3) Appreciate ethical issues surrounding the use of qualitative methods in health research. (4) Understand and apply common skills and procedures that exist across qualitative methods of data analysis. (5) Critically appraise qualitative research and understand how to install rigour in the research process.
Who will I learn with?
Professor of Qualitative Health Research
Reader in Perinatal Mental Health
Professor of Addictions Qualitative Research
Fees and discounts
The full cost of the course is £1000.
There are limited, discounted places available for:
- KCL Alumni fee - 25% discount
- KCL Staff fee - 25% discount
- KCL Student fee - 50% discount
- Non-KCL Students - 25% discount
- NHS Staff - 25% discount
- Middle-Income Country Nationals (who are currently resident there) - 50% discount
Further information
Employer Funded - Payment by Invoice
This option is only available if your course fee is being paid for by your employer or company. If you are eligible for any discounts, you will be able to select this during the checkout process.
Please note you will need to provide the following information during checkout:
- full name of the company
- web URL address of the company
- company finance department address which the course fee invoice will be posted to
- email address where the invoice can be sent
- purchase order (reference) if needed - this is a reference which your company may need to be shown on the invoice in order to make payment to King's
- the name of the individual at the company, responsible for approving the invoice from King's
- the contact details of this individual, including their job title, department; email and telephone number
Please note that King's College London payment terms are 30 days from the date of the invoice.