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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Diabetes (Module 1)

Key information

Subject area:

Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

Course type:

Assessed Module

Credit level:



7 weeks (6 weeks of teaching and 1 week of assessment)

Available course dates:

To be confirmed

Course overview

Please note, that applicants need to search for the following title to find this short course on King's Apply portal:

Postgraduate Psychological Medicine Free Standing – module 1 (15 Credits)

This module will run twice per academic year, in Semesters 1 and 2 (September and January entry points).

Lead by Dr Amy Harrison and Professor Khalida Ismail, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Diabetes Module 1 is a six-week short course delivering practical, intensive, and detailed training to provide knowledge and skills in a diabetes-specific cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) model and its applications in the diabetes setting.

This course will be delivered online using the Keats platform, allowing you the flexibility to fit study around personal and professional commitments. Teaching content will be in the form of videos, audio files and written information that you will engage with in your own time, and the skills will be implemented in the weekly online teaching sessions on Wednesdays 12:00 – 13:30pm (GMT).

After completing this short course, you will have the option of continuing onto the following module in the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Diabetes (Module 2).

We are planning to deliver future modules with credits towards a Post Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Diabetes.

What does this course cover?

The first of its kind, this 6-week, 15-credit online module will deliver practical training to provide an understanding of the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) model and its applications to diabetes.

  • Introducing CBT and its application to diabetes
  • CBT basic skills, including building a five areas formulation to understand the different types of diabetes-specific problems, also known as diabetes distress.
  • CBT for diabetes-specific problems 1: fear of hypoglycaemia
  • CBT for diabetes-specific problems 2: fear of insulin as weight gaining

Who will I learn with?

Khalida Ismail

Khalida Ismail

Professor of Psychiatry & Medicine

Amy Harrison

Associate Professor

Who is this for?

Aimed at professionals and students working in, or planning to work in, specialist fields in medicine and life science, this course is a brilliant opportunity for diabetes healthcare professionals to develop their skills to ensure better care for people living with diabetes. 

The course is for you if you are a doctor, nurse, dietician, GP working in diabetes and wanting to develop new psychological skills to support people with their diabetes self-management. 

Entry Requirements

A pass or higher in an undergraduate degree from a science cognate area such as nursing, medicine, psychology or biological sciences

How will I be assessed?

There are two assessments for the module. Each assessment is worth 50% of the overall grade. The first assessment will be a multiple choice exam that you will take online in the week after teaching has completed, i.e. the 7th November at 3.15pm. The exam lasts one hour and you will be asked to answer 40 questions which cover key knowledge the second assessment is a 1000 word assignment which involves writing a letter to a patient, providing them with a brief formulation and treatment plan. We will provide you with vignettes to use to develop your ideas within the letter. This should be submitted by the deadline which will be confirmed by the Course Lead.

What is the teaching schedule?

The module consists of 6 online 90 minute webinars that will take place on Wednesdays at 12:00 - 13:30pm, from the 13th January. In these sessions, we will practice CBT skills such as guided discovery and discuss the evidence base for CBT in diabetes.

Course status:


Full fee £1245

International Fee £2910


Express interest


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