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Anti-corruption and the Rule of Law

Key information

Subject area:

Public Policy, Politics & Security

Course type:

Executive Education

Credit level:


Credit value:



4 weeks

Available course dates:

From: 08 July 2025 To: 01 August 2025
Application deadline: 10 June 2025

Course overview

This module is aimed at civil servants, officials, and practitioners who may have responsibilities relating either to anti-corruption and bribery directly, or who may be exposed to risk in this area.  

The module examines the key principles and rules in the area, situating them within the context of specific jurisdictions with distinct legal, political, and social traditions. The rule of law is fundamental to a full appreciation of the importance of these rules.

The module provides an introduction to these important considerations through a consideration of the UK regime, examining the detailed rules and sanctions, but also the process of consultation and reform that led to the Bribery Act 2010. The module will thus consider the significance of institutional dynamics in the process of reform, as well as in enforcement.

What does this course cover?

Week 1

In this week we will critically examine the definitions of corruption and examine the harms it causes, including from an international perspective. In addition, we will learn to identify types of corruption in the “developed” and the “developing” world, as well as to identify and refute the arguments commonly used to justify bribery.

Week 2

This week identifies the major International Anti-Bribery Conventions 1997-2006 and looks at the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In addition, the UK Bribery Act is examined in detail, with consideration given to the drivers behind it and the principal concepts and offences, including a new offence with potentially global jurisdiction. Finally, we will look at the major risk areas for a company in relation to commercial bribery, and how those risks might be addressed.

Week 3

In this week we will learn to identify the differences between a gift and a bribe and look at some case studies of corruption taken at random from around the world. Some of the “red flags” which might point to bribery and corruption are examined, in addition to some examples of practical and effective action against bribery and corruption, as well as some useful ABC (Anti-Bribery & Corruption) online resources.

What will I achieve?

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Make and defend judgements informed by the rules relating to anti-corruption in key jurisdictions. 
  • Critically explain the key enforcement mechanisms and the functions of officials in enforcing them.
  • Critically understand and distinguish processes of law reform in different jurisdictions.
  • Evaluate and compare different enforcement mechanisms in different jurisdictions. 
  • Appreciate and critically evaluate the challenges of anti-bribery and corruption enforcement across multiple jurisdictions with different concepts of the rule of law.

Who will I learn with?

David Green

David Green

Visiting Professor, School for Government

Andrew Massey

Andrew Massey

Emeritus Professor of Government

Who is this for?

This short course is for mid-career professionals. Standard entry requirements are a 2:1 degree plus 3 years of relevant work experience. Applicants without a 2:1 or higher degree are welcome to apply and typically require 5+ years of relevant work experience.

How will I be assessed?

One written assignment, plus participation in webinars and discussion forums.

Our modules offer high levels of interaction with regular points of assessment and feedback. Each four week module is worth five Master's level academic credits and includes three webinars with a King's lecturer and peer group of global professionals.

What is the teaching schedule?

Format: Fully online, plus 3 x 1-hour weekly webinars, plus one optional induction webinar in the week before the start of teaching and an optional assessment webinar in Week 4.

This module has been designed specifically for an online audience. It uses a range of interactive activities to support learning including discussion forums, online readings, interactive lectures videos and online tutorials.

Fees and discounts

Tuition fees may be subject to additional increases in subsequent years of study, in line with King’s terms and conditions.

Further information

Module creators

Professor Sir David Green CB QC is a Visiting Professor. Sir David practised as a barrister in criminal law, both prosecuting and defending for 25 years, and was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2000. He was Director of the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office (RCPO) from 2004 to 2010 and Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) from 2012 until 2018. He has been a Senior Consultant with the law firm Slaughter and May since 2018.

Professor Andrew Massey is the Academic Director of the International School for Government. Andrew has worked in a range of areas including British, European, and US policy and politics. His main areas of research include comparative public policy, public administration and issues around the reform and modernisation of government and governance at all levels in the UK, US, EU and globally.

Please note that this is only indicative information. Lecturers and course content are subject to change. Please contact us directly for the most recent information.

Course status:


Full fee £1200


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