King’s academics reflect on the implications of Trump’s victory Experts discuss what Trump's return means for global stability
What Trump’s second presidential term could mean for the world How could Trump's second term reshape global politics and order?
The far-right and the changing politics of Europe Exploring how Europe's far right is reshaping political debate
Designing and delivering randomised trials for social policy A guide to using randomised trials for developing social policy
The impact of training on use of force by police in an English police force Does police training effectively reduce excessive use of force?
Addressing wicked policy problems through cross-government collaboration Identifying the policy behaviours that are related to taming or coping with complexity
How best to serve young people with evidence? Exploring the best evidence to improve policy for young people
What works? Lessons and insights from an evidence movement Guidance to policy makers and funders around 'What Works? centres'
Our approach We train policymakers to meet the challenges of the future & develop new models of governance.