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Postgraduate taught


The School offers an MSc in Cardiovascular Research, which builds on the strength of King's BHF Centre of Research Excellence, which has the remit of training in cardiovascular research as part of its mission. The programme provides graduates with advanced theoretical and practical training in the cardiovascular system in health and disease that will enable them to progress to further research, such as undertaking a PhD.

Duration: One year full-time, September to September

Develop your research skills at King's and learn about the latest innovations in cardiovascular medicine and science.

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Duration: One year full-time, September to September

Develop your research skills at King's and learn about the latest innovations in cardiovascular medicine and science.

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I gained insight into the cardiovascular system, the research techniques used in this field and, most importantly, gained a critical insight into the issues faced by researchers. I experienced amazing teaching on this course with well-chosen and organised modules.

Cardiovascular Research, MSc student