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Female figures from the cover of The savoy magazine, 1896 ;

Rare Journals Collection

14 May 2020

The Rare Journals Collection comprises 19th and 20th century periodicals on a range of subjects.

Calothamnus quadrifida, a flowering shrub, from Curtis's botanical magazine, 1815, vol. 42.

The collection includes general magazines, such as the Gentleman’s magazine, Edinburgh review and Household words, as well as more specialised publications, such as magazines published in Angola and other Portuguese-speaking countries.

  • Number of items: 6,000

Using Library Search

Records from all collections are available through King's Library Search.

Being signed in to Library Search gives the best functionality for searching and the homepage gives advice on how to narrow down your searches by using scopes and by filtering searches you have made. For full instructions please see both the Library Search homepage and also our 'Catalogues' webpage, available by scrolling down to the menu on the Special Collections homepage.

Using scopes

You can limit your search to Foyle Special Collections Library items by using scopes.

If you select the ‘Library Resources’ scope, only the print and ebooks, audiovisual material and journals held by the campus libraries and Foyle Special Collections Library will be retrieved in your searches

Using filters

For finding material related to specific collections or former owners, use the ‘Library Resources’ scope in the drop down menu and then filter by ‘Former owner’ in the Advanced search criteria to display records from a specific collection.

You can also use the Location drop down menu on the left hand side of the screen to identify items from specific named special collections.

Please do contact us for further advice on identifying material which will assist you with your studies.


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