Randall Centre fellowship application policy
Information and guidance for applicants for externally funded, independent research fellowships hosted within the Randall Centre for Cell & Molecular Biophysics.
The Randall Centre is committed to identifying the most promising early-career researchers and encouraging them to join us to develop their independent research careers. We aim to provide a supportive, stimulating environment in which junior group leaders can flourish.
Fellowships that provide 5 or more years of funding, including salary support for the fellow and full-time research staff, and research expenses are referred to below as intermediate fellowships. Examples of these schemes are UKRI Future Leaders, Wellcome Trust Career Development, BHF Intermediate/Senior, and equivalent clinical Fellowships. Intermediate fellowship holders have the opportunity to transition to an open-ended academic post at the end of the Fellowship.
Fellowships that support researchers at an earlier stage of their career, such as Wellcome Trust Early Career Awards, are also encouraged. The policy outlined here does not apply to early career post-doctoral fellowships.
Support for our intermediate Fellows starts at the application stage with academic and administrative guidance from the Randall Centre senior management team on the application process, writing and preparation for interview. For successful applicants, our support continues throughout the course of the Fellowship in the form of a mentoring scheme and annual appraisal process.
For intermediate Fellows, this support will also include preparation for transition to a permanent academic post, in accordance with the Faculty policy. We are proud of our record of enabling intermediate fellows to secure permanent academic positions either within the Randall Centre, in other departments at King’s College London or at other institutions.
How to apply
Applicants should submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) consisting of a full c.v., names of at least two referees, a cover letter and a research plan. A cover letter should identify a specific sponsor/mentor within the Randall Centre, and explain how the proposed research and career development of the applicant will fit and benefit from the academic environment and resources available within the Centre. The cover letter should also indicate the specific fellowship scheme(s) the candidate plans to apply for, and the timeline for making these applications. This EoI should be submitted to the Head of the Randall Centre (HoCRandall@kcl.ac.uk), to whom preliminary enquiries may also be directed.
A committee consisting of members of the Randall Centre meets four times a year to review applications and assess the suitability of candidates. This will include an assessment of the strengths of the candidate’s past record and future experimental plans, how their research interests align with the current and future research strategy of the Randall Centre, their competitiveness for gaining external research funding and, where relevant, their potential for a successful transition to a permanent academic position.
Potential applicants must take careful consideration of the timeline necessary for their application in order that it may receive full and appropriate support. The EoI must be received well in advance of the Fellowship application submission deadline (i.e. no less than 9 months before submission for intermediate Fellowships) for the internal selection process and the appropriate approvals to be finalised, as well as to provide constructive feedback on drafts of the application. Applicants should have identified specific fellowships and deadlines when applying.
EoIs should be received by the 7th of September, November, February or May for consideration at the next committee meeting. Any applications received after this will be held over for the subsequent committee meeting.