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Biophysical and cellular research across disciplines and scales

The Randall Centre is a vibrant research environment, hosting labs working in burgeoning fields in biomedicine. Our research addresses fundamental biological questions at the interface between the physical and biomedical sciences.

We develop and apply state-of-the-art biophysical techniques and address molecular and cellular processes in biology and medicine. Many of these applications are focused on cell motility and the cytoskeleton, muscle signalling, stem cells and developmental biology, with a translational focus in allergy and asthma, cardiovascular and cancer biology.

The Centre is internationally recognised, helping us to foster cross-organisational collaborations and attract the best emerging and established talent from across the globe.

Explore our research sections

Molecular Biophysics

Molecular Biophysics

Determine protein structures by X-ray crystallography, NMR & computer-aided modelling.

Cellular Biophysics

Cellular Biophysics

Studying the role of cytoskeleton in cell division, adhesion, migration and intracellular traffic.

Muscle Biophysics

Muscle Biophysics

Formation, growth, function & repair of striated muscle for understanding muscle disease.

A special series on DNA

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