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Continuing Professional Development & Short Courses

IAPT For Long-Term Conditions (LTC) and Persistent Physical Symptoms (PPS) Training of High Intensity Therapists (HiTS)

Our course adheres to the IAPT National Curriculum and UCL Competencies for delivering cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) interventions to people with long-term conditions and/or persistent physical symptoms. You will attend a ten day course with sessions typically delivered one to two days per month during the period of September to April. 

Key benefits

  • Teaching from experts who participated in designing the IAPT curriculum for LTC/PPS
  • Access to the latest evidence-based manuals for treating specific LTC/PPS
  • A teaching team which consists of clinical-academics and clinicians who have pioneered integrated care pathways in England.

Course essentials

The aim of the course is to deliver both theoretical knowledge of factors that trigger and sustain depression and anxiety in the context of LTCs whilst also offering practical knowledge to improve assessment, formulation, and intervention delivery skills.

All teaching takes place on Guy’s Campus, London Bridge, King’s College London. Specifically, teaching takes place within the Health Psychology Section which is part of the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience (IoPPN) and is perfectly positioned to offer the lasted knowledge on delivering integrated health care.

Entry requirements

All entrants to the training must have:

  • Passed an IAPT accredited postgraduate training in CBT (or another Postgraduate CBT programme or Clinical Psychology Doctorate accredited at Level 2 by BABCP) OR
  • Be accredited by British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) as a CBT therapist

Selection process

Therapists are identified by their services for attendance on the training programme. Typically, the course team at King’s College London will contact services in August advising them of the number of places available to them. Services then nominate their selected therapists. Therapists are asked to complete a brief application form to confirm they meet the entry requirements.

Teaching structure

Teaching consists of ten workshop days that are typically delivered face-to-face at Guy’s Campus, London Bridge, King’s College London. Workshops run from 09.30 – 16.30 and typically occur once or twice per month over the period of Sep/Oct until Mar/April.

The content of the course is summarised below:
Teaching block one:
  • Transdiagnostic knowledge & skills required for working across all LTC/PPS groups
  • Knowledge of evidence-based transdiagnostic theoretical frameworks that account for patients’ cognitive interpretation of the aetiology, signs, symptoms, consequences and management of depression/anxiety/distress alongside LTCs/PPS.
  • Developing transdiagnostic assessment, formulation, and treatment planning skills for working with depression/anxiety/distress in the context of LTC/PPS.
  • Adapting CBT protocols to manage depression/anxiety/distress in the context of LTCs/PPS.
  • Including partners in assessment and treatment.
  • Motivational interviewing.
Teaching block two: 

Knowledge and skills required for working with specific LTC groups, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • COPD
  • Pain
Teaching block three: 

Knowledge and skills required for working with specific PPS groups, including:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Using transdiagnostic approaches to working with PPS.

Teaching blocks two and three are led by LTC/PPS clinical- academic experts. Workshops will focus on: i) Improving LTC/PPS specific core knowledge, ii) assessment and formulation, and iii) CBT intervention techniques.


This course does not have any academic credits linked to it; instead it is viewed as a continuing professional development course.

On completion of the course, therapists will receive a certificate of attendance. Therapists will also be asked to submit a logbook documenting that they have:

  • Completed at least two assessment and therapy cases (and a total of at least 10 sessions of therapy), where CBT has been delivered in the context of a long term physical health condition or persistent and distressing physical symptoms (preferably with one case of each).
  • Evidence of reflection and learning from the training being applied to these cases.
  • Evidence of live supervision of this practice by an appropriately qualified supervisor, and sign off of competence by this supervisor.

Logbooks will be reviewed by the course lead and formative feedback provided alongside providing a certificate of implementation.

Fees and funding

This is a commissioned course funded by NHS England. No fees apply to services nominating their therapists.</p>


For more information about this course, please email IAPTLTC.


Understanding Psychosis and Bipolar Training

This is a Health Education/National Health Service England funded training for frontline NHS mental health staff. Please speak to leadership within your place of work regarding registering with the programme. Once you are registered, you should receive links to training materials including a King’s folder containing training resources. 

Please go to the ‘Introduction’ folder first and play the video to introduce the training. The pdfs are of the introductory slides and the video links for the whole of the training. Once you have these, you can start with Module 1 and work through at your own pace. 

Online training materials available here

Future Learn - Caring for People with Psychosis and Schizophrenia

Explore the key issues related to caring for a relative with psychosis or schizophrenia, with this short, free online course.

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Psychology: The Mind & Body

This Summer School module will give you a deeper understanding of the complex bi-directional relationship between the mind and the body. We will explore how different parts of the body, such as the gut, influence the development and function of the brain, and in turn, how the brain exerts influence over the body. We will focus on a range of psychological and medical conditions, including autism, Parkinson's, chronic pain, depression, and more.

View course




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