Designing and delivering randomised trials for social policy Designing and delivering randomised trials for social policy
The future of higher education New research, analysis and events dissecting the pressing challenges facing UK universities
UK universities: from a Triangle of Sadness to a Brighter Future UK higher education is envied around the world – but the system has now reached its best-by date.
The China question revisited: "de-risking" higher education and research Efforts to reduce UK universities' dependence on China have in some cases stalled or are going…
Lessons from researchers on the frontline of the UK’s Covid response Highlighting the critical role of the National Institute for Health and Care's Emergency,…
Russia, China and the geopolitics of global science Disengagement from Russia has had little impact on global science, but China would be a different…
How research value is created and assessed in the UK, US and Australia Comparing academic cultures in the UK, US and Australia
Building a comprehensive UK-India knowledge partnership Five key building blocks for the UK-India partnership
Fixing Whitehall’s broken policy machine Public engagement is not seen as important for policymakers in central government.
What Works and equality Reducing inequalities with a What Works methodology requires a cross-cutting initiative
The China question: managing risks and maximising benefits from partnership in higher education and research China's influence on UK research has grown ten-fold in the past 20 years
Why have universities transformed their staffing practices? An investigation of changing resource allocation and priorities in higher education
The use of nudges during the Covid-19 crisis The impact of behavioural science interventions in the pandemic
Leadership in the arts sector How leadership is being developed in the arts, and how it relates to organisational outcomes
The nature, scale and beneficiaries of research impact Analysis of Research Excellence Framework 2014 impact case studies
Higher education: Who benefits? Who pays? Former Universities Minister David Willetts on the dynamics and complexities of the English higher…