Programme evaluation of the UK Democracy Fund Evaluating the impact of the UK Democracy Fund, including its target to reach one million voter…
Research on how statistics inform personal decision-making Alongside the Behavioural Insights Team, we have been commissioned by the Office for Statistics…
The UK in the World Values Survey How values, attitudes and beliefs have changed in the UK over the last four decades
Public trust in expertise (PERITIA) Helping citizens and policymakers understand trust in science and identify trustworthy expertise
Fixing Whitehall’s broken policy machine Public engagement is not seen as important for policymakers in central government.
Do we have your attention? How people focus and live in the modern information environment Our major new survey reveals a nuanced picture about how people focus in the information…
Freedom of expression in universities One of the most comprehensive surveys to date on student and public perceptions of the issue
The public’s Brexit misperceptions This major survey reveals the public are wrong on key facts about Brexit and the EU
The public’s Brexit predictions The public are pessimistic about the prospect of a Brexit deal and impact of leaving the EU
What sort of Brexit do the British people want? (2018) Second study forming one of the most rigorous assessments of the public's preferences
What sort of Brexit do the British people want? (2017) One of the most rigorous assessments of the public's preferences