Taiwan crisis ’never more unstable’ as Trump returns to White House, warns report Taiwan crisis 'never more unstable' as Trump returns to White House, warns report
Kerslake Commission on Armed Forces Housing How to give service personnel the accommodation they deserve
Special purpose international collaboration In this report, Sir Oliver Letwin argues that the basis for moving forward is to leave intact the…
Russia, China and the geopolitics of global science Disengagement from Russia has had little impact on global science, but China would be a different…
German foreign policy intelligence: ISIS’ rise to power and the Russian actions in Ukraine in 2013/2014 What lessons can German intelligence learn from the handling of ISIS' rise to power in Iraq and…
The China question: managing risks and maximising benefits from partnership in higher education and research China's influence on UK research has grown ten-fold in the past 20 years
The future strategic direction of NATO The alliance needs a coherent policy on China and to improve its response to Russian disruption
Towards a UK strategy and policies for relations with China Report from former diplomat Charles Parton OBE
Clearing landmines in Sudan Mine action, early recovery and peacebuilding needs assessment of South Kordofan and Blue Nile…
The UK-Saudi Arabia security relationship Does the relationship help the UK achieve its strategic aims?
How to achieve a post-landmine world Recommendations for safer, cheaper and more efficient global demining.
The UK-France defence and security relationship Recommendations from taskforce led by former NATO head and former French Prime Minister
Defining the device The need for international humanitarian standards for improvised explosive device disposal.