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About the Policy Institute

The Policy Institute at King’s College London works to solve society’s challenges with evidence and expertise.

Part of the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy, we combine the rigour of academia with the agility of a consultancy and the connectedness of a think tank.

Our research draws on many disciplines and methods, making use of the skills, expertise and resources of not only the institute, but the university and its wider network too.  

The Policy Institute works across seven main research areas, with communications, impact and engagement an important connecting thread. Our research themes are: Trust, facts and democracy; Communities and opportunity; Health systems and delivery; The value of evidence; Cities, growth and innovation; Children and young people; and Defence and security policy.

Find out more about our research themes

The Policy Institute has built a network of visiting fellows and professors, including former civil servants, politicians, journalists and independent thinkers, who give their time and expertise to the institute and wider King’s community. They are a valuable resource, playing a key role in strengthening the relationship between academia, policy and practice.

See our visiting faculty

The Policy Institute provides space for several initiatives and organisations from within and outside King’s that share an interest in ensuring that evidence and expertise inform policy and practice. They make up the institute's Policy Park.

• NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce

• UK in a Changing Europe

• Global Institute for Women's Leadership

• The Strand Group

• Pensions Policy Institute

• Money and Mental Health Policy Institute

• School for Government

The Policy Institute's work is regularly cited in the media, and its researchers often write and provide analysis for a range of national and international outlets.

Read the latest news from the team

The King’s Parliamentary Research Internship Programme is a unique opportunity for PhD and postdoctoral researchers to engage directly with the inner workings of parliament.

Established and overseen by Baroness Deborah Bull, in collaboration with the Policy Institute and King’s Careers & Employability, 10-month part-time internships support the work of parliamentarians in the House of Lords and are designed to give participants first-hand experience of how evidence and analysis can be used to inform policymaking, while peers gain valuable assistance from skilled researchers.

Find out more about the programme



Learn about the Policy Institute team's skills, expertise and research interests



Our events regularly feature high-profile figures from a range of fields