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Planting seeds of change: Lessons for climate and sustainability changemakers from the advertising industry

Ripple Effects
Dr Andreana Drencheva and Dr Elisa Alt

05 June 2024

We live in a pivotal moment where bold leadership is needed to tackle the existential threat of climate change. While the scale of the challenge can feel overwhelming, the advertising industry is showing how empowering individual changemakers can spark a ripple effect of transformation.

As academics studying entrepreneurship for positive social change, we recently had the privilege of collaborating with Purpose Disruptors—a group of advertising reformers, catalysing the advertising industry’s climate transition towards halving emissions by 2030—and the RSA on their "Reimagining Advertising" initiative. This ground-breaking 6-month programme brought together 12 changemakers from influential companies across the advertising ecosystem to envision radical change and take concrete action.

Through our research and evaluation contributing to the Towards Reimagining Advertising report, we distilled key insights about cultivating change that can inspire and empower changemakers in any industry. At its core, meaningful change starts with empowering individuals, fostering collaboration, and creating the conditions for new ideas to flourish.

Investing in Changemakers

The first catalyst is investing in individual changemakers—those entrepreneurial insiders uniquely positioned to shape their organisations from within. An organisation will fail to evolve if it doesn't empower and enable these passionate visionaries.

The Reimagining Advertising programme nurtured five key elements for changemakers to thrive:

1) Creating the right environments through collaboration, capacity-building, and skills development.

2) Providing inspiration with tools for innovative thinking like futures modelling.

3) Deepening understanding of interconnected systems to maximise positive impact.

4) Building support through dedicated time and resources, thus moving beyond change as a "side hustle."

5) Enabling experimentation by giving changemakers a safe space to ideate, test, and launch new practices.

By prioritising these factors, the programme unlocked a profound mindset shift. Participants saw themselves as provocateurs for positive change within a bigger picture perspective.

Building Collaborative Networks

While empowering individuals is key, collaboration amplifies impact by harnessing the power of networks. Bringing diverse stakeholders together fosters understanding, builds trust, and allows co-created ideas to emerge.

The programme facilitated this by creating nurturing spaces for open dialogue and mutual support. It highlighted the need to forge partnerships beyond insular competition toward a shared agenda benefiting all. As one participant reflected, "Different actors surfacing new understanding about what's possible - that gives me hope."

Developing a systems mindset is also crucial. The programme helped participants map the web of interconnected networks, power dynamics and leverage points. This "systems acupuncture" can guide strategic interventions for catalysing wider change.

Shifting Mindsets and Models

While investing in people sparks the initial flame, organisational shifts in mindsets and models allow the fire to spread wider.

For the advertising industry, this means pivoting its powerful influence over culture and aspiration. Instead of driving unsustainable hyper consumption, it can creatively inspire more sustainable behaviours, policies, and social narratives.

As the report outlines, key industry shifts include awarding only exceptional work that betters the world, changing client briefs to prioritise positive impact, and embracing circular, regenerative business models.

Ultimately, the courage to "say goodbye" to unsustainable clients and practices will be required for transformational change. As one participant reflected, "We have to question who we ultimately serve and where we draw the line."

A Ripple Effect

While this research emerged from the advertising world, its lessons reverberate across industries. Every organisation holds the potential for entrepreneurial changemaking if individuals are given the opportunity to blossom. Every industry is really a living system of human networks that can be re-patterned toward positive possibilities.

As the report concludes, "Nobody needs a new business model. Instead, what emerged as the primary need was the requirement to invest in people and give them the space to connect, collaborate, create and challenge the status quo."

In this decisive moment for the future of our planet, we all have an opportunity to become changemakers. By empowering visionaries, fostering collaboration, and evolving organisational cultures, the small ripples of our actions can spark cascading waves of change.

The advertising industry is showing it is possible to work on reimagining entirely new stories and systems aligned with human thriving. The invitation is to pick up the baton and start creating an inspiring new narrative for your community and ecosystem.

Note: If you are a sustainability/green champion in the advertising ecosystem, Andreana ( and Elisa ( would love to hear from you to paint a fuller picture with their ongoing research. Get in touch with them directly to share your experience.

Ripple Effects

Ripple Effects is the blog from King's Climate & Sustainability, showcasing perspectives from across the King's community.

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