We invite applications to research degree programmes throughout the year. However, there are application deadlines for funded and self-funded PhDs starting in October, February and June. `
We welcome applications and research proposals in a variety of areas, particularly those in fields that enhance the strength of our research groups. Prospective students are also encouraged to explore potential supervisors and their research areas.
We welcome applications from self-funded students, who will all receive a research training and support grant for conferences and research-related spend.
For funded opportunities please consult our ‘Funding’ tab for full details. Alternatively, candidates can apply for funded projects with the full list available in the ‘Explore our PhD Projects’ tab. We welcome applications from all applicants and, in particular, those underrepresented in STEM subjects and academia.
- Applicants should hold, or expect to gain, a first or upper second class degree in physics or a relevant related subject, and be exceptionally motivated for research.
There are a number of funding opportunities available. Some cover both stipend (to cover living costs) and tuition fees, while others may cover fees only.
All our PhD students, including those who are self-funded, receive either a research and training support grant or a consumables budget per annum to support training, attending conferences and research-related costs.
All scholarships, bursaries or other awards are offered on a competitive basis. Some funding opportunities may have earlier deadlines, so please check carefully.
Funded PhD Projects
The Department offers a range of funded PhD projects through a variety of funders, and research grants – set out in the next tab, and searchable in King’s funding database.
EPSRC Doctoral Landscape Award Studentships
To apply for Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funding via our Doctoral Landscape Awards, please see the ‘explore our projects’ tab for details of our EPSRC Doctoral Landscape Award projects advertised. To apply for a project, please cite the code specified on the project advertin the Funding section of the application form. Please select option 5 ‘I am applying for a funding award or scholarship administered by King’s College London’ and type the code into the ‘Award Scheme Code or Name’ box. Please copy and paste the code exactly.
- Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
To apply for STFC studentship funding please see the ‘explore our projects’ tab for details of our STFC projects advertised.
To apply for a project, please cite the code specified on the project advertin the Funding section of the application form. Please select option 5 ‘I am applying for a funding award or scholarship administered by King’s College London’ and type the code into the ‘Award Scheme Code or Name’ box. Please copy and paste the code exactly.
Centre for the Physical Science of Life
There are also funded opportunities through our Research Centre for the Physical Science of Life, please check their web pages. The following project is open for applications: Machine learning the dynamics of force-sensing proteins
There are also funded opportunities through our Centres for Doctoral Training:
King’s Quantum
King’s Quantum Centre for Doctoral Training brings together quantum practitioners in the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences (NMES) with our world-leading quantum adopters - researchers deploying quantum technology in healthcare, life sciences and beyond. Quantum technologies will contribute to furthering net zero, climate forecasting, drug discovery, autonomous vehicles, molecular integration, and the development of new materials. Please see projects below and find out more about the Centre.
Centre for Doctoral Training in Data-Driven Health (DRIVE-Health)
The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Data –Driven Health (DRIVE-Health) is training the next generation of PhD health data scientists to become the innovation leaders of tomorrow. Our students work within an active NHS environment, and develop new models of data-driven care, whilst leveraging significant recent investment and infrastructure in health data research within the UK. Find out more here.
Further funding opportunities:
King's-China Scholarship Council
King's-China Scholarship Council PhD Scholarship programme (K-CSC) is open to students from China. Details of this programme can be found on our website.
Self-funded Students
We welcome applications from students who can self-fund their PhD and they will be supported with a Research and Training Support Grant per annum to support training, attending conferences, and research-related costs.
Teaching income
PhD students are encouraged to contribute to the department's teaching, for which payment will be made separately. Training and mentoring in teaching and learning in higher education is provided by the faculty.
For further information on postgraduate research funding and scholarships please visit the King’s Funding Database.
We offer PhD projects under a range of different research themes. Applicants can explore the various projects available and apply to the one that suits their interests. This list is not exclusive, and potential applicants can alternatively identify and contact appropriate potential supervisors to outline their academic background and research interests or to propose their own PhD project ideas. Please see our Funding tab for further information.
Please note the application deadlines on each funded project advert, as these may vary.
To apply for a research degree in Physics, please find full instructions on the course page.