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Landon  Kuester

Dr Landon Kuester

Research Fellow


Dr Kuester joins the National Addiction Centre as Research Fellow on the Relations Study, a three-year ethnographic exploration of parents who use drugs and the support they receive from health and social care services. The Relations project is funded by the Economic and social Research Council (ESRC) and is being carried out in collaboration with the University of Stirling.

Previously, Kuester was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Psychiatry at Queen Mary University of London. Here he worked on a multidisciplinary project exploring interventions for mental health across cultures funded by the Centre for Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI). Before this, he evaluated the Psychologically Informed Planned Environments (PIPEs) programme currently being piloted by Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and National Probation Service (NPS).

Kuester is an experienced prison ethnographer, with an interest in understanding offender access to economic, social and health services. His doctoral research explored HIV-positive inmates ‘lived experience' of violence, agency, and negotiated health within a U.S. prison system.

Landon received his PhD from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, MSc from the University of Edinburgh, and BA from Brown University. 

Research Interests

Prison ethnography, violence, parental drug use, social and health service delivery.

MHS MSc & MSc Global Mental Health Programme - Qualitative Research (7PALMQUA)

MHS MSc & MSc Global Mental Health Programme - Qualitative Research (7PALMQUA)