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Postgraduate Research

Join our dynamic research community to work with world-leading academics at the forefront of international nursing, midwifery and palliative care research. Our research students are thoroughly supported by three supervisors and participate in regular journal clubs, research seminars and workshops.


How to apply 

To apply for a project, please email our Postgraduate Research Team with the names of the supervisors and your chosen area of interest, along with your CV and a short research proposal. We will contact supervisors on your behalf and be able to answer any queries you may have. 

For more information on how to apply, fees and the entry requirements please visit our Prospectus:

How to find a supervisor

To find supervisors in your chosen area of interest you can: 


Current opportunities

Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care Studentship

Our Faculty funded studentship is now open for applications, offering three years of full funding, including tuition and a stipend (UKRI rate + London weighting). The deadline to apply is 30 March 2025.

Nursing and Midwifery education, simulation and virtual learning

We welcome PhD applications from UK and international students relating to all aspects of nursing and midwifery education, including simulation and virtual learning approaches such as the use of interactive scenarios and virtual patient interactions in a digital environment.

Research projects

Research projects and Funded Studentship Schemes become available throughout the year. We currently have research projects available in the following areas:

» Digital Health & Applied Technology Assessment

Methodology: Quantitative and qualitative analysis
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Crina Grosan and colleagues from the Division of Digital Health & Applied Technology Assessment
Contact supervisor: Dr Crina Grosan

Contact details for Dr Crina Grosan

Methodology: Quantitative and qualitative analysis
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Crina Grosan and colleagues from the Division of Digital Health & Applied Technology Assessment
Contact supervisor: Dr Crina Grosan

Contact details for Dr Crina Grosan

Methodology: Co-design, development and production, quantitative and qualitative data and analysis
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Sonesson and colleagues from the Division of Digital Health & Applied Technology Assessment
Contact supervisor: Dr Linda Sonesson,

Methodology: Mixed methods, quantitative, qualitative
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Sonesson and Professor Martin Bricknell
Contact supervisor: Dr Linda Sonesson,

Methodology: Quantitative and qualitative analysis
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Crina Grosan and colleagues from the Division of Digital Health & Applied Technology Assessment
Contact supervisor: Dr Crina Grosan

Dr Crina Grosan

Methodologies: Quantitative mainly
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Kimberley Whitehead and colleagues from King's College London (e.g. this project could potentially complement perinatal research being led within the Faculty by Dr Rebecca Whybrow)
Contact supervisor: Dr Kimberley Whitehead

Contact details for Dr Kimberley Whitehead


» Care in long term conditions   

Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Kirsty Winkley and Professor Khalida Ismail

Contact details for Dr Kirsty Winkley

Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Kirsty Winkley and Professor Angus Forbes

Contact details for Dr Kirsty Winkley

Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Kirsty Winkley and Professor Angus Forbes

Contact details for Dr Kirsty Winkley

Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Maria Duaso

Dr Maria Duaso

Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Sue Woodward

Dr Sue Woodward

Methodology: It is envisaged that this mixed methods study will involve systematic review of existing outcomes, Delphi methods to develop the COS and PROM development
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Sue Woodward

Dr Sue Woodward

Methodologies: Quantitative (e.g. analysis of electronic health records) and qualitative (e.g. interviews with patients and their families)
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Kimberley Whitehead, Dr Tom Jewell, and colleagues from King's College London
Contact supervisor: Dr Kimberley Whitehead (in the first instance)

Contact details for Dr Kimberley Whitehead


Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Wladzia Czuber-Dochan and Professor Christine Norton

Contact details for Dr Wladzia Czuber-Dochan

Methodology: It is envisaged that this mixed methods study will involve systematic review and mixed methods evaluation of the effectiveness of crafting activities to support resilience in IBD
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Sue Woodward

Contact details for Dr Sue Woodward

Full project title: Understanding the experience of providing bowel care for people following spinal cord injury - the patient and staff perspective - and developing interventions to improve care
Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Sue Woodward and Dr Mark Baker

Contact details for Dr Sue Woodward

Methodology: Experience Based Co-Design
Funding provided: This studentship is funded by the MS Society. Funding covers PhD fees, research costs and a stipend
Start date: February 2024. Full time for 3 years
Supervisory team: Dr Sue Woodward, Dr Wladzia Czuber-Dochan

Contact details for Dr Sue Woodward

Mental health

Methodology: Mixed methods/qualitative
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Andreas Xyrichis and Dr Jennifer Oates

Methodology: Evidence-based co-design (ECBD) to develop e-mental health resources with peer support workers, clinicians and research team. Qualitative interviews and observations to evaluate use of EBCD e-mental health resources with service users.
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Mary Leamy

Contact details for Dr Mary Leamy

Older people care

Objective: Examine how care delivery in nursing homes is led and by whom, to design an education intervention to support leadership development.
Methodology: It is envisaged that this mixed method study will involve semi-structured qualitative interviews of nursing home managers and NH staff, residents and their family and visiting professional staff; non-participant observation of key interactions where leadership of care occurs e.g. work planning and organisation, care management meetings, team meetings, observation of care delivery; and a series of stakeholder workshops to design an intervention e.g. toolkit, guidelines, seminars or action learning set to develop and support leadership of person-centred care.
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Professor Ruth Harris

Contact details for Professor Ruth Harris

Methodology: It is envisaged that this study will involve a critical, systematic examination of how the concept of PCC is communicated in health and social care policy documents in the UK using critical discourse analysis; and semi-structured interviews with policy makers in national organisations responsible for the development and delivery of health and social care.
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Professor Ruth Harris and Dr Joanne Fitzpatrick

Contact details for Professor Ruth Harris

Objective: Facilitate a healthy transition for older people relocating to a nursing home as a permanent arrangement, by developing and testing an intervention with residents, families and staff.
Methodology: This study will use the Medical Research Council (MRC) framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions to address the research objective. The intervention will be developed using an adaptation of Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD). EBCD is a Participatory Action Research approach that draws upon design tools and ways of thinking to bring staff and service users together to co-design services, care pathways or interventions.
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Joanne Fitzpatrick

Contact details for Dr Joanne Fitzpatrick

» Methodologies  

Methodology: Qualitative: realist methodology Funding provided: Yes (PhD fees and UKRI stipend)
Start date: October 2024
Supervisory team: Dr Tomasina Stacey, Dr Maria Duaso, Dr Nigel Simpson (University of Leeds), in association with Tommy’s Preterm Birth Centre.
Contact Dr Tomasina Stacey with expressions of interest by 31 May 2024.

Contact details for Dr Tomasina Stacey.

Methodology: Co-design/feasibility
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Tomasina Stacey

Contact details for Dr Tomasina Stacey

Methodology: Population based/case control
Funding provided: Yes/No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Tomasina Stacey

Contact details for Dr Tomasina Stacey

Methodology: Using methodologies such as photovoice, forum theatre and storytelling approaches
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team: Dr Deborah Chinn

Dr Deborah Chinn

Maternal and newborn perinatal health

Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found:
Supervisory team: Dr Yan-Shing Chang and Professor Debra Bick

Contact details for Dr Yan-Shing Chang

Methodology: Mixed methods
Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate is found:
Supervisory team: Dr Maria Duaso

Contact details for Dr Maria Duaso

Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team:  Dr Rebecca Wybrow

Dr Rebecca Wybrow

Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team:  Dr Rebecca Wybrow

Dr Rebecca Wybrow

Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team:  Dr Rebecca Wybrow

Dr Rebecca Wybrow

Funding provided: No
Start date: Open until a suitable candidate has been found
Supervisory team:  Dr Rebecca Wybrow

Dr Rebecca Wybrow

» Palliative care  

Methodology: Mixed methods, including primary and secondary data analysis
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Professor Irene Higginson and Dr Anna Bone

Contact details for Professor Irene Higginson

Full project title: Evaluation of the measurement properties of self- and proxy-reported versions of a comprehensive assessment measure, the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale for Dementia (IPOS-Dem) in non-cognitively impaired frail older adults with multi-morbidities
Methodology: Evaluation of measurement properties
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Clare Ellis-Smith, Professor Irene Higginson, Dr Catherine Evans

Full project title: Evaluation of the measurement properties of self- and proxy-reported versions of a comprehensive assessment measure, the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale for Dementia (IPOS-Dem) in non-cognitively impaired frail older adults with multi-morbidities
Methodology: Evaluation of measurement properties
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Clare Ellis-Smith, Professor Irene Higginson, Dr Catherine Evans

Methodology: Quantitative and qualitative research methods
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Professor Irene Higginson and Dr Mevhibe B Hocaoglu

Contact details for Professor Irene Higginson

Methodology: Quantitative and qualitative methods
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Professor Irene Higginson and Dr Adejoke Oluyase

Contact details for Professor Irene Higginson

Methodology: Quantitative and qualitative research methods
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Professor Irene Higginson and Dr Mevhibe B Hocaoglu

Contact details for Professor Irene Higginson

Methodology: Quantitative and qualitative research methods
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Professor Irene Higginson and Dr Mevhibe B Hocaoglu

Contact details for Professor Irene Higginson

Methodology: Research around rehabilitation approaches for the management of symptoms and disability towards the end of life. This could involve (i) characterising the people most likely to benefit with cohort studies, and (ii) modelling and testing rehabilitation treatments and approaches using mixed-methods and clinical trials. Applications from Allied Health Professions and therapists are particularly encouraged.
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Dr Matthew Maddocks

Contact details for Professor Matthew Maddocks

Methodology: This could involve (i) use of 'big data' to investigate patterns of care for people near the end of life, including linkage of electronic health record data with other sources of routine data; (ii) investigating the links between research and policy, and in particular how big data analyses can inform policy; (iii) investigating novel data collection mechanisms for palliative care-specific data, such as electronic collection of outcomes data.
Funding provided: No
Start dates: Open until a suitable candidate is found
Supervisory team: Professor Wei Gao, Dr Katherine Sleeman

Contact details for Dr Katherine Sleeman



Hear from our students

Dr Natalie Sanford

'I absolutely loved my doctoral research experience at King’s. Both inside of and outside of my direct team, everyone in the Faculty was so lovely. I really felt that they were invested in my success and keen to help me when I needed anything, to promote my work, and to support me as an individual. If you are motivated, engaged, and enthusiastic, the community at King’s will welcome you with open arms.' Read more about Natalie's experience.

Prapan Phetlerthirunkul

'As my project is predominantly related to nursing and palliative care, King's College London is the best place for both fields. Nursing at King’s is ranked second in the world, and palliative care is among the most highly regarded globally. I chose to study my PhD in Nursing at King’s College London from its reputation. With sufficient resources and its quality, I feel I have a very high confidence in learning and conducting research.' Read more about Prapan's experience.


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