Join us on 5 May: NMPC Inclusive Series Talks focusing on ethnicity in the context of maternity care and celebrating International Day of…
Students prize-winning short film takes a satirical look at the role of midwife A short film that challenges the narrative around birth and the role of the midwife is winning…
International maternity care my work in Somaliland Sophie French's passion for both midwifery and nursing has taken her to Somaliland to support the…
Esther Sharma Estha never could have imagined all the twists and turns that her midwifery journey has taken when…
Sara Kenyon Sara didn't have a career like this planned when she started out and feels lucky to have met some…
Hermione Jackson Hermione qualified as a midwife in 2013 and has recently been awarded a digital leadership…
Helping survivors of childhood sexual abuse prepare for children of their own The online resource supporting survivors, their families and healthcare professionals.
’The Rollercoaster’: a study of midwifery students’ experiences In this paper, researchers in the Faculty call for the emotional demands of midwifery training to be…
Navigating women’s care without language This study involving researchers from King's aims to understand the experiences of UK midwives using…
Midwifery research helps ensure women benefit from evidence based respectful care Dr Elsa Montgomery explains how research is providing insight into what compassionate care may mean…
Explore the Birth Rites Collection Book your place on one of the virtual tours hosted by the Collections' experts.
Birth Rites Collection Summer School: July 2021 A five-day unique programme of lectures, workshops, seminars and one-to-one tutorials.
Creating Birth Rites The collection of contemporary art on childbirth, currently housed at our Guy's Campus.
Birth Rites Collection Summer School: September 2021 Held in the evenings over four-weeks, a unique programme of lectures, workshops, seminars and…
Midwifery with Registration as a Midwife BSc Our Midwifery BSc prepares you for everything you'll face in your career.
Midwifery MSc Our MSc could really improve your chances of progressing from working as a midwife to a matron or…
Health Studies Research option of joint PhD with HKU or NUS MPhil/PhD MPhil/PhD research to improve the quality of services and outcomes for patients.
Short Courses Already a midwife? Continue your professional development with one of our short courses.