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The Faculty has a distinguished history of research and we count Nobel Laureates among our distinguished former staff and students.

Our work crosses traditional subject boundaries, creating cutting-edge research in non-traditional disciplines and interdisciplinary programmes which benefit from King’s broad subject base.

We have a wide range of research interests in science, technology and engineering, ranging from the very small to the infinite. From nanophotonics to cosmology, mechatronics to wireless communication, cell biology to theoretical physics; we are working at all levels to understand our universe and to change it for the better. 

Our research centres in Net Zero, the Physical Science of Life, King's Quantum and Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) bring together researchers from different subjects across the faculty and university, with the aim of advancing innovative, interdisciplinary solutions to complex societal and environmental challenges.

Our thriving ecosystem of enterprise and innovation enables researchers to work with a range of industrial, public sector, cultural, and academic partners.

Research from our departments

Chemistry Research

Chemistry Research

See how we're exploring new chemistry frontiers to deliver fundamental solutions.

Our research centres

Net Zero Centre

Net Zero Centre

Find out more about the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences' Net Zero Centre.

Quantum Centre

King’s Quantum

Leveraging multidisciplinary expertise and knowledge across King's in quantum science.

A-Z of Research Groups

Research groups, units and centres are led by academics seeking solutions to society and industry's most demanding challenges. Whether responding to local or regional environmental problems, maintaining clean water supplies, or producing novel materials for the industries of the future, they are asking big questions with global implications.

Faculty 800x430 Research feature

NMES Graduate school

Postgraduate researchers play a vital role in furthering our world-leading research and teaching in chemistry, engineering, informatics, mathematics and physics.

From training and funding opportunities, to career development and campus events, the Graduate School offers a comprehensive range of services that meet the diverse needs and interests of our research students, supporting them to achieve their academic and professional goals.

Collaborate with King's

We promote innovation, impact creation, and knowledge and technology transfer, enabling a thriving ecosystem of research partnerships and collaborations with industry, the public sector, and the arts and cultural institutes.

We offer multiple approaches to engagement, including consultancy, collaborative projects with industry and public organisations, executive education, student projects co-designed and co-supervised by our external partners and student-led start-ups.

Find out more



Meet the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences.

NMES Events

NMES Events

Upcoming events in the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences.