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Real world musical impact.

In the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021) we were ranked 4th in the UK for research, in a joint submission with our Film Studies department. Within this submission, 100 per cent of our research impact and research environment was rated either ‘world-leading’ (4*) or ‘Internationally excellent’ (3*).

The impact of our research is diverse. What we do enriches musical and cultural life, informs creative practice, helps music education and creative arts policy to be evidence-led, and strengthens communities.

Here are a few examples of how our work impacts upon communities, both locally and around the world:

  • We have hosted cultural events engaging local communities with European medieval music history, and challenging common understandings of musical performance;
  • Our “Beyond 1932” ERC-funded project sponsors artist residencies which aim to raise awareness of Middle Eastern musical histories among UK audiences, and strengthen communities;
  • We have collaborated with the South West Essex Community Choir in a composition project which enhanced performers’ wellbeing, and encouraged intergenerational exchange;
  • We have worked in London schools to develop recommendations for effective, progressive, and inclusive music pedagogy.




Highlighting the impact King's Arts & Humanities research has on, and for, the benefit of society.


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We are driven by the innovative research and compositional creativity of our staff



A range of research projects from the King's Music.

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