Here is an outline of what happens each day.
Day 1 of Induction: Monday 18 September
Come to the Harris Lecture Theatre (Hodgkin Building) on the Guy’s Campus. We will begin our first session at 12.30 but please feel free to arrive any time from 12.15 onwards to ensure that you are there in good time. This first day will include activities in the BSc Psychology Teaching Rooms (Addison House), the Student Computing Rooms, and a campus tour. You will get to know your fellow BSc Psychology students, meet your lecturers, be introduced to some of the online learning resources for your studies (e.g., order the e-codes for your Term 1 textbooks). Please make sure that you have had something to eat before 12.30 when we start the afternoon’s activities: we will provide some snacks and something to drink in the middle of the afternoon, but we will not be providing lunch on Day 1 of Induction. The day’s activities will finish by 17.30.
Day 2 of Induction: Tuesday 19 September
Please arrive at Guy’s Campus in time for a 10.00 start (you will find out on Day 1 of Induction which room to come to when you arrive on Day 2). You will learn more about your course and what your first year of study will involve, and will find out about KEATS (the online platform that provides you with resources and activities to support your studies). You will get to meet your Personal Tutor and meet with other students in your Personal Tutor Group. We will provide lunch, which will be one of several opportunities to get to know your lecturers, tutors and fellow students. Day 2 of Induction will finish by 17.30.
Please sign up for both days of Induction activities via the Welcome to King’s App. If you are unable to attend some or all of the two Induction Days, please email Ginny Sanders (Programme Officer for Year 1 BSc Psychology students).
For the remainder of the on-campus week of Welcome to King’s, there are no compulsory induction events for the BSc Psychology course. However, there will be many events at King’s that you can get involved in – and we recommend that you choose some of these events to join in with (whatever interests you!). For example, the KCLSU Welcome Fair on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 September at Old Billingsgate will introduce you to all the clubs, societies and activities that you can get involved with at King’s. There will also be events online and at the Denmark Hill Campus for new students in the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (the part of King’s that you are now a member of). So do keep an eye out for anything that interests you.
Don’t forget to complete the introductory work for the Term 1 psychology modules by the end of the on-campus week of Welcome to King’s – see details below.
The “regular” timetable for the term begins on Monday 25 September.