In the area of active biofluids, I have a long-standing interest in determining what are the right mathematical equations for micro-swimmers in fluid environments. This is important in health-related applications, such as biofilm formation in catheters, but also in ecological applications such as the dynamics of harmful algal blooms.
As Dean, what are your ideas for boosting and strengthening the quality of our research in the Faculty?
Beacons of disciplinary research excellence will be embedded in our departments, and we will foster interdisciplinary activity, that pushes back the frontiers of scientific knowledge. Building upon these core strengths, we will be confidently outward looking, at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to current and future global challenges.
Key to this will be the King’s Interdisciplinary Science (KIS) project, as well as our interdisciplinary research centres – including the AI Institute, CUSP (London), the Centre for the Physical Science of Life, and the Net Zero Centre. We will identify new opportunities for synergies within the faculty, embracing emergent ideas from departments in areas like quantum technology and materials, in line with internal priorities for the college and the external funding and impact landscape.
With King’s global leadership on Health and its close partnerships with NHS foundation trusts, we will seek to strengthen links with the health faculties focussing on areas where we can add most value.
We will also continue to foster successful partnership working between academic and PS staff to deliver on ambitions to increase research income and enterprise and engagement opportunities across the faculty. We will also build on the success of the recently established NMES graduate school, including looking to expand placement schemes and matched PhD studentships to increase our career development offerings.
What will you be focusing on to build our educational excellence and support our communities of students ?
Through programmes such as the new interdisciplinary Natural Sciences degree, alongside our core offer, we will provide students with high academic potential an inspiring education that is firmly rooted in the natural, mathematical and engineering sciences and develops their confidence to be creative leaders in a wide-range of careers.