Antonio’s academic journey began in Lecce, a city in southern Italy, where he studied at the University of Salento for his Bachelor and MSc in Mechanical Engineering, and a Master’s in Signal Processing. After completing his Masters, he was drawn to London by a desire to explore music and art. ‘I have always loved the arts, and London is a vibrant place, full of it.’
As part of his move to London, Antonio also chose to pursue a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. The idea was that by doing a PhD, he would be able to pay his rent whilst having some flexibility to also dedicate some time to learn and absorb all the city had to offer on the artistic side. Having moved to London with a love for creativity, Antonio also developed a very strong love for science during his PhD, where he was investigating the biomechanics of the human brain. Afterwards, he chose to further pursue a scientific career.