Black in the Union Jack? Black Lives in Modern London illustrates how King’s embeds London into the curriculum across its Arts and Sciences faculties. This module from the Faculty of Arts & Humanities is an exploration of the ways in which black people have lived, loved, worked, studied, played and become politically engaged in modern London. It has been developed in partnership with Black Cultural Archives (BCA) in Brixton and sees lectures, seminars and hands-on tasks delivered in alternate weeks at King’s and at BCA.
Within the university’s Health faculties, King’s students – many of them the medics, doctors and medical practitioners of the future – have a unique and valuable opportunity to work, learn and serve their local communities within London’s hospitals and clinics. Global Health in Local Practice, a module from the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, is just one example. Focusing on the reproductive health of communities in south-east London where King’s Centre for Global Health and Health Partnerships is located, the module considers how international health issues impact on local patient care in Lambeth and Southwark.
Integrating local partnerships into the King’s student experience is central to the commitments King’s has made in its Vision 2029. In every faculty, curricular and co-curricular learning programmes provide opportunities for King’s students to test their knowledge in real-world environments across the capital, supporting the university’s commitment to ensuring our students become the problem-solvers of the future.