University of London (UoL) - Library visit form
Please complete this form to receive a temporary e-pass for accessing King's College London libraries as a registered University of London student (note: this is will only allow you access to the library, not other King’s Buildings). This request is for reference only access visits.
List of University of London member institutions.
During your visit, please make sure you have a valid form of photo ID with you. Security can still deny access to Library Visit Pass holders if sufficient identification is not available.
Admittance with your home UoL institution ID card is during staffed hours only, there is no admittance or re-admittance after 19.00 on weekdays and 18.00 at weekends, or before 09.00 weekdays or 10.00 at weekends. You may be asked to leave out of staffed hours.
You will be required to accept the Library Regulations as part of the library visit process.
Important note: Before completing this form, please make sure you have active University of London ID to hand. You will be asked to attach an image of your ID as part of your request to visit our libraries.