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Access 25 - Card Request for King's Staff and King's PGR Students

Please complete this form to request an Access25 card.

You must be a King's staff member (on an open or fixed term contract) or a King's postgraduate research student, registered for a qualification awarded purely by research.

You must also have an active King's library account to proceed, with no outstanding fines.

This card will allow you to access other M25 libraries participating in Access25. Local variations apply.

Please check the M25 webpages for a list of participating institutions as well as access restrictions and additional notes for each of them. 

During your visits, it is also required to have your King's ID with you.

!Important note: Before completing this form, please make sure you have completed an Access25 application form. You will be asked to attach this completed and signed form as part of your request to receive an Access25 card.