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Protea Clinic


The award winning Protea Clinic (‘the Clinic’) is a free advice-only service run by King’s Legal Clinic (‘KLC’) in partnership with Hibiscus Initiatives (‘Hibiscus’), Hammersmith and Fulham Law Centre (‘HFLC’) and Sutovic & Hartigan Solicitors (S&H). The clinic aims to assist foreign national women who require advice in relation to immigration issues, with a focus on vulnerable women who are facing deportation and may be victims of human trafficking.

Students, working in a team of two, will help in gathering information about the client’s issue by reading through their case papers and, where necessary, interview the client via telephone or Microsoft Teams with the help of a Hibiscus support worker. Details of the client’s case are then passed onto the solicitors from HFLC or S&H who will assess if we are able to advise the client. If suitable, the client will be asked to attend a telephone/on-line or face-to-face interview where they will be advised by either HFLC or S&H.

‘Being part of the Protea clinic has been a very positive experience. When I first visited Hibiscus, I really felt the human aspect of the whole project. The Women’s Centre is very welcoming and offers a safe haven to women and their families at a stressful time. Whether just coming back to the community or thriving in it for years, it seems the pastoral support Hibiscus give them and the practical legal advice of HFLC really guides them in their journeys. I found the solicitor inspiring in her mastery of the ins and outs of immigration law and felt like the client was really being heard. The solicitor guided me through the technical aspects of procedures and the law. I am sure this experience will stay with me, and it has reinforced my interest in immigration law and social work!’

Caterina Cedolini, Politics Philosophy and Law, LLB