Advance notice cancellations
- Once dates are confirmed by the Stage administrator please check for any clashes and add the dates to your diary
- If you are unable to attend a teaching date, let the Stage administrator know as soon as possible, with at least four weeks' notice where possible
On the day/late cancellations (<48hrs)
- Please let the stage administrator know via email or phone as soon as possible
- Frequent late cancellations or 'no shows’ are likely to impact on future teaching allocations
Replacement tutors
- We aim to recruit tutors in place of those that cancel. Tutors will be invited by email and allocations are made on a first come first served basis.
- Please notify the Stage administrator via email and phone if you are going to be late, and your expected time of arrival.
- It will be at the discretion of the Stage team on the day, as to whether you are still able/required to teach or carry out other activities (see below) depending on factors such as the morning briefing and how late into the day you arrive.
Payment for lateness
- KUMEC are unable to pay for teaching that you cannot attend/cancel, or arrive significantly late (deemed by Stage team)
- If you are late and the Stage team would still like you to stay for the teaching you will be paid pro-rata for the remaining time
Payment for reserve tutors
Sometimes we recruit reserve tutors on the day, and KUMEC will support activities like question writing, scenario development and peer review. If, in consultation with faculty, you choose to go home at midday you will be paid half the day rate, however if you stay for the full day, you will be paid in full.