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Welcome to the King's Global Health Institute 

The Global Health Institute at King’s College London is a special collaboration of staff and students from King’s and from organisations across the world, all working together to tackle health challenges facing multiple populations. We are doing this through research, education, reciprocal capacity building, advocacy and health systems strengthening . 

King’s College London is an exceptional environment to study and conduct research in global health. At the same time, we recognise that ingrained inequities in funding structures and research training, and unfair knowledge production and practices, perpetuate an imbalance between the global north and the global south. Communities affected by poor health are best placed to define what counts as a health issue to them, but historically global health movements have been dominated by those located far away from their existence.  We are striving to redress this outdated pattern.

Our vision is to work in solidarity with partners and societies, building capacity authentically and mutually, united in actions to improve health equity as a path to a better world.

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