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New to King’s?

Preparing to start 

  • Before you join us we will send you an email inviting you to set up your King's IT account. The email will contain your King's username (e.g. k1234567) and your temporary password.
  • Please change your temporary password to a memorable password, using our guidance about password security.
  • Registering your account will enable you to access our online services and reset your password, at any time, without needing to contact IT support. 
  • Stuck? Contact the King's IT Service Desk team - available 24/7, 365 days per year on 0207 848 8888. 

Your IT Essentials Checklist!  


IT support available

Come and see us for in-person, on-campus IT support between 10am - 4pm, Monday to Friday. Find us in the Maughan Library, New Hunt’s House Library (closed Thursday until 1pm) and EUS Hub Waterloo (room 2.32).

Helix is the online self-service portal, where you will be able to find answers to frequently asked questions, submit requests for assistance or report issues, and where you can monitor the progress of your existing tickets.