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Information for researchers

This page contains important information for researchers planning on starting a research project involving South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. 

Research sponsorship

The study sponsor is the individual or organisation taking responsibility for the research in terms of securing the arrangements to initiate, manage and finance a study. Your study must have a sponsor if:

  • Your research is going to take place in the NHS. This includes research involving NHS patients, their data or tissue (UK policy framework for health and social care research). This also includes studies recruiting NHS staff as participants or using NHS facilities.
  • Your research comes under the remit of the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004 and Amendment Regulations 2006, the Human Tissue Act (without a licensed holding) or the Mental Capacity Act - whether or not the NHS is involved. 
  • Your research is a clinical trial involving a medicine (new Clinical Trials Regulations - applicable from 1 May 2004). Note that this is a legal requirement.

Sponsorship arrangements can be complex and will be considered by the Research & Development (R&D) office when you submit your R&D Approval application form. Please do not assume that your employer will be the sponsor, the arrangements can depend on a number of factors and you will need to discuss the arrangements with your sponsor.

Procedure for requesting research sponsorship

Please read the latest sponsorship guidance. Sponsorship Guide (Non-CTIMP) (37).zip

Once you have read the above guide, should you need further information or clarifications, please contact the R&D office at 

Capacity and capability review (formerly R&D approval) 

All research taking place within the NHS must be notified and registered with the NHS Trust R&D office before commencing.

If your study is sponsored by King's College London and/or South London and Maudsley NHS FT, your Research Governance Facilitator will complete local checks and confirm that South London and Maudsley NHS FT has the capacity and capability to host your research. You may only start recruitment once authorised to do so by the R&D office.

If your research is led by an external organisation but you would like to run the study at South London and Maudsley NHS FT:

Please send through the document pack to as per HRA guidance.

The R&D office will check that South London and Maudsley has capacity and capability to host the study. R&D will issue an email to confirm capacity and capability for you to confirm you can start your research.

If your research is sponsored by commercial company, please email the study documentation to