IoPPN CEDI Committee
The IoPPN Culture, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee provide the strategic vision, expertise and framework to ensure an equitable, diverse and inclusive environment for all IoPPN staff, students and visitors. Applying an intersectional approach across all protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation), the CEDI Committee assess, address and challenge:
Policies, processes and procedures
Normative approaches, beliefs and practices
All parts of the IoPPN (teaching, research, professional services) individually and wholistically
The CEDI Committee has a diverse membership of academics, students, research and professional services staff with a representative from each academic/ student/ professional services department. Our membership includes expertise across all protected characteristics with experience •health inequalities, outreach, research, education, communication, recruitment, promotion and all levels of seniority.
The group discusses, implements, promotes and monitors faculty-level objectives and strategies aimed at improving the environment for all staff and students.