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IoPPN Youth Awards: From strawberry DNA to human brain samples

Niyati Patel

2024 Youth Awardee, age 18

25 September 2024

Having learnt about the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) Youth Awards at school, I decided to apply to the Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) Centre, one of the departments in the IoPPN. With the range of research conducted in the Centre, I knew it would give me great insight into how a multidisciplinary approach in research can maximise our understanding of psychiatry and its practical applications to wider society.

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We extracted DNA from strawberries.

Over the three days at the IoPPN, we were able to take part in a variety of activities ranging from a Thematic Analysis data coding session to practical workshops, like DNA extraction from strawberries and creating our own models of the brain. We were always learning something new! Each session was led by different academics from the Institute, giving us the opportunity to ask specific questions depending on our interests. We heard about current research taking place and the processes involved behind such large-scale studies. 

At the Youth Awards, we looked at different topics in a series of introductory sessions that fit into the discipline to create a more holistic understanding of Psychiatry. For example, we had experts come in to give talks on epigenetics, EEG equipment, neuroscience and brain anatomy. One new skill we learnt at the Youth Awards was ‘Thematic Analysis’, used by many academics and researchers in their work.– Sabbir Ahmed, Youth Awardee, age 16
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The SGDP Centre Lab Manager gave us a tour of the SGDP Labs, and research assistants showed us the Brain Bank.

The opportunity to have a tour of the SGDP Centre itself meant we could see the laboratories and had a chance to understand how the specialist equipment was used for different research purposes. The London Neurodegenerative Diseases Brain Bank was most notably the favourite part of the tour for everyone! We were lucky enough to be shown around by research assistants who explained the process for storing donated brain samples. As research requirements vary, we were shown multiple ways the brains are stored and how ethics are valued throughout the process. Seeing the human brain in real life and how even the smallest of changes can cause the onset of many degenerative diseases makes you realise how vital the research is.

I enjoyed visiting the brain bank most of all, during which we looked at human brains, as well as the mini-lecture paired with our tour of the Brain Bank on how neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's actually work and the biology behind it. It was extremely insightful and gave me an idea of what I may want to pursue in the future.– Sabbir
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We got to visit the EEG testing rooms and experience having an EEG.

We were also shown the EEG testing rooms and had the experience of having one done ourselves. Seeing the EEG caps, the gels used and how all this data is visually displayed gave us a greater understanding of the role of technology in such research.

The experiential and hands-on activities we were involved in linked with a huge range of topics being researched at the IoPPN - we were able to try to model the human brain using clay, use an EEG, and view a human brain with a neurodegenerative disease and compare it to a control brain at the Brain Bank.– Sabbir
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We created models of the human brain using clay.

Interviewing a variety of staff from different research disciplines catered for our individual interests. Hearing from professors about their current research and the different routes they took before being part of the IoPPN was so interesting to hear about. Many had studied abroad, and we got to learn about their previous education and work experiences. The diversity in journeys was reassuring and showed us there is no one set route into research or academic positions.

The staff at the IoPPN were all absolutely amazing! From day one, they greeted us with big smiles and made us feel comfortable and welcome. The ice breaker sessions were so fun, and we could clearly see how much effort they had all put in to make the Youth Awards a great experience for everyone. They showed such enthusiasm when answering our interview questions and really showed their passion towards the work they do as a department. Every day was so carefully organised for us to get the most out of the experience, with time for a lovely group lunch every day! 

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Experts at the IoPPN gave talks on a range of topics.

We spent the last day working on our individual projects - creating a presentation for a piece of published research we had chosen ourselves. This really helped us see each other's academic interests and views towards our chosen research. Being in mixed year groups, it was so nice to see how well we collaborated and the shared excitement we had when presenting our projects. From creating information posters to speeches, we presented to an audience of postgraduate students and various members of the IoPPN. It wasn't as daunting as it first seemed as they were all very encouraging!

After completing our presentations, we were presented with our certificates and vouchers and congratulated on our work over the past few days. The Youth Awards gave me such a great experience from meeting various academics to seeing the facilities on site that allow such impactful research to take place. It has made me consider multiple routes I can take to do something similar as a future career and how there are so many opportunities out there for your own interests. I have left having gained a new perspective of how much teamwork is required for research, the people involved and collaboration from other research institutions too. From qualified clinical psychologists to medicine students, there is such a huge diversity of interests at the IoPPN that you will always find someone to share your interests with and make many friends in the process!

I really enjoyed participating in the Youth Awards. It was an environment with like-minded students, all willing to learn and gain new experience from the many professionals and experts at hand.– Sabbir
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SGDP Centre Youth Awardees 2024

Everyone involved went above and beyond to make it an enjoyable experience and before we knew it, we were on the steps outside the SGDP Centre taking our group photo. It feels great having met so many people in such a short period of time. I would say it's the perfect experience for anyone interested!

About the IoPPN Youth Awards

Launched in 2013, the IoPPN Youth Awards take place annually across the four departments in the School of Mental Health & Psychological Sciences (Biostatistics & Health Informatics; Health Service & Population Research; Psychology; and Social, Genetic & Developmental Psychiatry) and the Departments of Neuroimaging and Psychological Medicine. They allow young people (aged 15-18) from local schools to have direct experience of research at the IoPPN.

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