What training do you offer that you think the IoPPN community should be aware of?
As part of our work, we offer training and briefings – both regularly scheduled sessions and sessions delivered on request. Our regular sessions are as follows:
- ‘Open Access Publishing - what researchers and authors need to know (LIB840)’ - we introduce open access and the benefits of it to authors and the wider public, do some jargon busting, and talk about how to publish open access at King’s.
- ‘Managing Research Data (LIB842)’ – In part one we introduce ‘Research Data Management’, why to do it , and how to get started by writing a data management plan. We then cover guidance for data management during a project in part two, before moving on to data archiving and sharing when publishing results or wrapping-up a project in the third part. Again, we highlight how these things can be done at King’s and flag the other support teams at King’s.
- ‘Pure Drop-In Sessions (LIB1004)’ – a member of the Research Support team is on-hand to answer your questions related to self-archiving research outputs in King’s institutional repository, Pure, and making them Open Access/REF compliant.
These are bookable through Skillsforge and delivered online and in-person. We rotate the campus for the in-person sessions, so that we deliver at Denmark Hill, Waterloo, Guy’s and Strand. We also vary the days sessions are scheduled, to make them as access as possible.
This is the routine offer, but we’re happy to offer other sessions on request. As examples, we’ve delivered short briefings about our services and funder policies at faculty research meetings and away days, created sessions for research groups on their funder’s requirements for publications and data, and spoken to training and development programmes (we were delighted to be invited to speak at the recent Open Science Summer School, and previously at the Senior THRIVE programme). Essentially, with a bit of notice and planning, we’re happy to come and talk and listen to anyone.