Did you know Research Staff at King’s are entitled to a minimum of 10 days for their professional development each year?
This entitlement is part of a university-wide commitment to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers – a national agreement which our researchers often don’t know exists. As signatories to the Concordat, King’s commits to enabling all research staff to engage in 10 days of continuing professional development pro rata per year or part-time equivalent.
We know you’re busy and it can be hard to take time out of your research commitments so think about one development area which you can focus on in the next three months to make use of your 10-day entitlement in a manageable way for you. For example, you may choose to work on one skill, allocate some time for career planning or take on new responsibilities in your research community. Whatever it might be, you can use the popular 70:20:10 model of learning to build professional development into your everyday.
If you choose to focus on a skill, the CRSD has a programme of 46 courses and 133 workshops throughout the year, ranging from 1 hour to 3 weeks in length, which you can find out more about on our courses web pages. These courses are organised both by thematic area and by date, in areas such as writing, personal effectiveness, and impact. In 2023-24, 91% of participants noted that attending a CRSD course had a positive impact on improving their knowledge and skills, and that they would recommend it to other colleagues.