Reflections so far
Reviewing the blog contributions, I see patterns that link back to the wider work I’ve been doing to identify high-level strengths and gaps. For example, in terms of strengths, CED&I as an ethos and praxis as well as a team are felt to be strong; there’s a real appreciation for grassroots initiatives and the inspiring work that people on the ground are doing within their local contexts; a perception of a collegiate environment with local community spirit; and that as a faculty, we celebrate each other’s achievements.
There are commonly identified gaps, too: terrific grassroots initiatives need more support to continue and the size of our faculty, logistical factors and the nature of our roles can sometimes pose barriers to feeling connected and supported.
Related to that last theme, something I keep hearing is that while there are lots of initiatives and individuals doing excellent work in the research culture space, we might not always know about them. I’m therefore developing a database compiling resources, best practice case studies, and generally a platform to share learning and awareness of research culture initiatives. If you’d like to contribute to the database or just share your general thoughts, please head to
Thank you to all the contributors to this blog so far. This is intended to be a series, so if anyone has any suggestions for topics and/or is interested in contributing, please contact myself (