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Study with us
We deliver the highest quality undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in computer science and artificial intelligence, through the commitment and enthusiasm of our staff within a stimulating, research-led context. Studying in the department gives you access not only to experts in their field, but current students who are researching and developing cutting-edge technologies and start-ups to advance the industry.
Our renowned research profile attracts funding grants and projects from major national and international funders as well as business and industrial partners and public sector bodies. Our research is organised into research groups centred on the areas of algorithms, data analysis, cybersecurity, data and systems privacy, artificial intelligence, human centred computing, reasoning and planning, and software systems.
We support a thriving community of PhD students from all over the world, who play a vital part in advancing innovation and cutting-edge discovery across our research. Our postgraduate researchers consider fundamental scientific questions as well as the key societal challenges and opportunities of an increasingly complex digital world. The Department also leads the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, which is training the next generation of researchers in model-based AI approaches and their use in ensuring the safety and trustworthiness of AI systems.
Our staff and students come from all over the world, providing a rich environment for teaching and research. Diversity is positively encouraged with a number of family-friendly policies in operation, the right to apply for flexible working, and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example maternity leave. The department also boasts a friendly and inclusive culture, with regular social events bringing staff and students together.
We have created a thriving ecosystem of research partnerships and collaborations with industry, the publics sector and the arts and cultural institutes. We offer multiple approaches to engagement, including consultancy by experts, collaborative projects of various scale with industry and public organisations, executive education, as well as student projects co-designed and co-supervised by our external partners and student-led start-ups.
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