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Humanising Healthcare podcast - Seeing red: HIV, antivirals and diversity in blood studies

Welcome to Series 2 of the Humanising Healthcare podcast.


'Listen to the podcast on Spotify here' Seeing red: HIV, antivirals and diversity in blood studies

In this edition:

This week, Manasi was joined by Imperial College London’s Dr Mike Emerson, Reader in Platelet Pharmacology and 2nd year PhD student Fama Manneh on the episode ‘Seeing red: HIV, antivirals and diversity in blood studies.’ They discuss the importance of diverse blood studies to increase the efficacy of antivirals and new devices, how HIV medications interact with platelets, the impact on cardiovascular health and the importance of personalised therapies.  

Mike Emerson Imperial

Dr Mike Emerson is a Reader in Platelet Pharmacology in the Vascular Science Section of the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London. He is Head of the Platelet Biology Group and is Director of Student Tutoring in the School of Medicine. He is a recipient of a Rector's Medal for Excellence in Pastoral Care and a President's Award for Supporting the Student Experience.

Dr Emerson studied Animal Physiology and Nutrition at the University of Leeds and obtained a PhD from King’s College London in 1998. His PhD thesis defined the antithrombotic role of endogenous nitric oxide in vivo. He then embarked upon several post-doctoral positions and worked at the Universities of Sydney, Edinburgh and Manchester.

Fama Manneh Imperial College London

Fama Manneh is a 2nd Year Ph.D. student and the current Chair for Women In STEM at Imperial College London. Her research focuses on the development of a novel class of Haemostatic devices, and she is dedicated to leading WIS @IC where their mission is to empower women in STEM through support and inspiration. She and her committee work tirelessly to provide growth opportunities via mentorship, networking, and counseling, enhance retention with a supportive networking space, improve career prospects through interdisciplinary idea exchange, and foster dialogue and collaboration, urging partners to prioritize diversity. With her multifaceted role in research and advocacy, Fama embodies a commitment to scientific advancement and social change. 

Manasi Nandi 2

Manasi Nandi

Reader in Integrative Pharmacology

Manasi is a scientist and educator based within the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on the extraction of new information from vital signs data, aiding research and clinical decision making, and identifying earlier alerts of disease. She has expertise in medicine discovery and development and the translation of laboratory findings into clinical practice. She is a fellow of the British Pharmacological Society, most recently supporting efforts to embed inclusive principles into the national curriculum. Inclusivity and accessibility are at the core of her teaching and research practice. She is the Development, Diversity and Inclusion lead for the School and Cancer and Pharmaceutical Science, supporting EDI activities at Faculty and College level. She launched the Humanising Healthcare seminar series in 2023.

In this story

Manasi  Nandi

Manasi Nandi

Reader, Integrative Pharmacology

Humanising Healthcare - podcast series

The Humanising Healthcare podcast explores the work of researchers who have identified and are aiming to address inequalities within their fields by introducing more person-centred…

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