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Older people

Ongoing and recently completed work includes two dementia-related studies led by Kritika Samsi. Nicole Steils, who led the study on self-neglect and hoarding, worked with Jo Moriarty on hospital social work for older people and on a completed telecare study. Katharine OrellanaCaroline Green and colleagues investigated south London day centres, which serve older people – among others. Caroline Green also investigated the use of digital technology in small care homes. Cat Forward is leading for the Unit in a national implementation study. Monica Leverton leads a project on Dementia Champions and is a co-investigator on Forward with dementia.

The DemCon study

The DemCon study

Continence self-management guidance for those living with dementia.

SUPPORTED: a study of the role of homecare workers in delivering end-of-life care


A study of the role of homecare workers in delivering end-of-life care. (HSDR)

Taking a break. Use of residential respite by people with dementia and carers: access, experience, outcomes.

Taking a break

Use of residential respite by people with dementia and carers. Funded by Alzheimer's Society.

The Optimal Time Study: Multiple perspectives on the timing of moving into care homes by people with dementia

Optimal Time Study

We examined multiple perspectives on the timing of moving into care homes by people with dementia.

About us

About us

Informing policy debates on the health and social care workforce.

Unit people


Unit staff – their research interests, current projects, and publications.