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Black and White picture of a Stall at Watney Market ;

History of Watney Market

‘Throughout the day the road and the pavement are crowded with barrows laden with fish, vegetables, and other articles of food, cheap second-hand furniture, old iron, rabbit skins, and many articles besides’ wrote Montagu Williams in 1895.

Black and White picture of a Stall at Watney Market

Since the late 19th century Watney Street Market in Shadwell has offered East Enders food, clothing, and community. This oral history project explores the market through the words of women – the visitors and stallholders who have browsed and bargained at the market from the early 1950s to the present day.

You know the sign that says Watney Market on the Commercial Rd side? I don’t think that has changed… And that is a really familiar sight. When you are driving, when we were driving home, you could see Watney Market Shopping Centre.– Nishat

Where is Watney Market?

Watney Street, E1 connects to Commercial Road in the north and Shadwell DLR and Overground station in the south. The coloured markings on this London Metropolitan Archives street plan from 1962 show the large area of land chosen for redevelopment. The market had previously occupied the southern end of Watney Street but moved into its current location after construction began in the 1970s.


History of Watney Market: Timeline

In the Victorian period, Watney Street Market is one of the busiest in London, serving local Jewish and Irish communities. Being so close to the river, the market attracts dockers, warehoue workers, sailors, and their families.


J.J. Sainsbury expands grocery business and takes over shop no. 68 Watney Street.


Sainsbury family purchase second site at no. 67.


Records reveal the street market is thriving: 227 trades apply for 200 pitches.


WWII food rationing begins. Watney Street Sainsbury's Shop is inundated with registrations from local residents.


Watney Street bombed in multiple locations during the Blitz.


Planning process begins for new marketplace and high-rise house development. Plans approved in 1965.


Leader of 'Watney Streeters' criminal gang is stabbed by Ronnie Kroy in the Britannia Pub on Morris Street.


First wave of Bengali migration to London's East End. Many families settle in Shadwell.


Watney and Blakesly Street are flattened as redevelopment begins.


Construction delays stall redevelopment and contribute to decline of Watney Street Market. 'This market has been murdered' graffiti appears on boarded up shop in 1977.


Tower Hamlets Arts Projects Community Bookshop opens at no. 59 Watney Stret, the only bookshop in Tower Hamlets at the time.


Council report identifies Watney Market as a crucial shopping centre.


Sainsbury's supermaket moves to Whitechapel and is replaced by Iceland.


Tower Hamlets Regeneration scheme begins.


Watney Market Idea Store opens.

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