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King's Forensics®

King’s Forensics® is an academic grouping within the Department of Analytical, Environmental & Forensic Sciences (AEFS), with unique resource provided by three laboratories accredited to UKAS Quality Standard (ISO/IEC 17025). The City of London police accredited fingerprint laboratory joined the Drug Control Centre and DNA analysis @ King’s in 2020. King’s Forensics® houses three further laboratories supporting research ranging from anti-doping science to forensic toxicology, scene-of-crime analysis to phenotypic identity, and drug-driving to wildlife poaching. Our research is known for its impactfulness and focuses on addressing some of the global analytical challenges presented to governments, the police and justice departments as well as to educators and service providers.

Learn more about what we do at King's Forensics


Research themes

Anti-doping Science

Anti-doping Science

Anti-doping Science houses the Drug Control Centre (DCC), providing anti-doping research.

Forensic Genetics

Forensic Genetics

Forensic Genetics provides specialist forensic services in DNA analysis.

International Forensics

International Forensics

International Forensics looks at evidence from international sources to support research in criminal…

Forensic Traces

Forensic Traces

Trace evidence is essential in forensic science, as it is created by cross-transfer of materials…

Our accredited labs



The DNA group provides specialist forensic services in DNA analysis including complex kinship…

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