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5 minutes with George Lonergan

George Lonergan is the Faculty People & Culture Manager in the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine. We caught up with George to talk about their EDI work including their work developing a new LGBTQIA+ Toolkit, their list of favourite books and favourite superpower.

George Lonergan 5 minutes

Briefly, tell us about your background and career up to this point?

Since graduating, I have predominantly worked in academia for various London-based universities. I have always had an interest in equality, diversity and inclusion and social justice having studied BA History and Sociology and MA International Relations. I am particularly passionate about mental health and am a Trustee at a mental health charity that supports recovery through art.

What is a typical day like for you?

My role covers equality, diversity and inclusion, organisational development and learning and development so it is very varied. The main aspects of my role are project management and delivery of strategic initiatives within the Faculty, including consultation on projects across our six Schools and the Centre for Education. Some of the main projects I am working on at the moment include the application for renewal of our Silver Athena Swan award, action planning from our Faculty All-Staff Survey results, a proposal for a ‘lunch and learn’ series and delivery of cross-faculty events and awareness raising campaigns.

Do you have any current projects that you’d like to tell us about?

We recently ran a cross-faculty LGBTQ+ and Health in Research event that brought together students and researchers to share research in LGBTQ+ healthcare. The event was well attended and was an opportunity for colleagues and students with shared research interests to come together and network.

The People and Culture Team are also in the process of developing an LGBTQIA+ Toolkit that provides information about different identities in the LGBTQIA+ community and focuses on developing active allyship. We are also working with our Inclusive Education Leads to review what content on LGBTQIA+ inclusion we include in our medical programme.

What do you think people in the Faculty would find most surprising about you?

I used to love drama and acting at school having studied Drama at GCSE. I enjoyed being part of school plays and musicals. I acted in a play at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival as a teenager which was a brilliant experience. I don’t do any acting anymore, as I prefer to leave it to the professionals now!

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

It is okay not to be okay sometimes and it is important to talk to people if you are struggling. And of course, don’t be afraid to be yourself.

What do you do with your time outside academia/work?

I love spending time with my family, friends and little cat, reading, spending time in nature and making things. I have also recently started taekwondo, which I am really enjoying.

What are you most looking forward to this year?

I am getting married later this year so I'm really looking forward to celebrating with my family and friends.

What is your favourite part of your role?

I get to work with wonderful, interesting people and I learn something new every day. My background is more in arts and humanities and social science, so it is great to able to learn about all the brilliant working taking place in the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine.


Favourite season: Autumn

Favourite book: There are too many to choose from – I love fantasy fiction and stories that centre queer characters. Some of my favourite reads from 2024 so far include Sunburn by Chloe Michelle Howarth, Faebound by Saara El-Arifi and Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo.

Netflix recommendation: Heartstopper – a wholesome and joyful adaptation of Alice Oseman’s graphic novel series of the same name centering the experience of queer characters and ITV crime drama Unforgotten that explores unsolved cases.

The superpower you would choose if you could: Time-travel or teleportation. I love learning about history and dystopian fiction so it would be great to be able to time-travel. I also love to travel (but don’t like flying) so to be able to teleport somewhere would be great and better for the environment!

In this story

George Lonergan

George Lonergan

People and Culture Manager

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