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To deliver impact from our research, we work closely with industry to address current challenges and to look to innovations for the future. Our partners range from start-ups and SMEs to mid-caps and large multinationals.
We work across a range of sectors from communications with Ericsson and British Telecom to vehicles with Jaguar, Land Rover and Caterpillar.
Our innovations are developing solutions in collaboration with industry, such as developing new systems for vaccine manufacture:
Professor Toktam Mahmoodi worked with industry partners Ericsson, Verizon, and BT to trial the transformative possibilities of global 5G networks, looking specifically at the delivery of medical supplies.
King's engineering and culture.
King's engineering and the environment.
King's engineering and health.
King's engineering and industry.
King's engineering and pedagogy.
King's engineering and policy.
King's engineering and sustainability.
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