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About the Department

Welcome to Engineering

The vision for King’s engineering is to develop discovery, innovation and leadership in engineering education and research.

Engineering at King’s focuses primarily on the synergies between conventional engineering and leading-edge technologies, for example between computing and telecommunications, robotics and medicine, signal processing, and the digital creative media.


The central role played by engineering in our lives extends far beyond clichéd associations with construction, heavy machinery, manufacturing and mineral extraction. Today, some of the greatest advances in engineering are being made in fields such as robotics, biomedicine and IT – areas in which King’s has particular strength.

Building on a prestigious history we are investing in new facilities, introducing new research areas, and expanding our educational programmes. In 2022, a new home for engineering at King’s was opened, as part of the Quadrangle redevelopment project. The new state-of-the-art engineering laboratories and teaching spaces are housed at the heart of King’s Strand Campus in central London. The cutting-edge facilities and maker spaces enable students and researchers to discover and experiment, enabling the next generation of engineers to find solutions to real world problems.

Girls into Electronics at King's

Engineering is still a highly male-dominated field, with only 15.7% of the engineering and technology workforce being female. At King's we're aiming to change the status quo.

Each year a team of academics, students and technical staff from King’s come together to inspire the next generation of female engineers during the Girls into Electronics event. Participants attend a series of taster lectures on electronics and engineering, visit cutting-edge research labs, and get hands-on in an interactive programming workshop.

A young woman is explaining something on a computer to a girl who is using a wheelchair

Collaborating to advance innovation

We foster a thriving ecosystem of enterprise and innovation, working together with a range of industrial, public sector, cultural, and academic partners both in the UK and internationally, to advance knowledge exchange and innovation in research, development and education.


A diverse and friendly community

The goal of the Department of Engineering is to provide an environment where everyone can feel at home and prosper.

We are actively working to follow best practice on diversity issues and ensure everyone has the support and opportunities they need to achieve their full potential.

Two post graduate students look at the controls for a large robotic arm




Discover our engineering research.



Meet the Department of Engineering, King's College London