Enhancing ear drum repair by tracking endogenous stem cells
Project details
First supervisor: Professor Abigail Tucker
Second supervisor: Professor Andrea Streit
Mode of study: Full-time
Project/award duration: 3 years
Deadline for applications: 31 March 2025
Expected start date: 1 October 2025
Eligibility: Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria for Home fee status will be eligible to apply for this project.
Reference number: 2025/02/AT/DOCS
Project description
Tympanic membrane (ear drum) perforation (TMP) is a highly prevalent clinical problem. TMPs can result from physical trauma, pressure changes and, most commonly, from otitis media (OM). Almost all children will suffer from OM before the age of three, with an estimated 31 million cases of chronic suppurative OM annually. Although the majority of acute TMPs spontaneously heal within 2 weeks, approximately 6% do not heal and become chronic requiring surgery. Such surgery is invasive, and availability can be problematic in some communities with high rates of chronic OM. Simpler and less invasive techniques are, therefore, needed in the clinic. The ability to heal suggests the existence of adult ear drum stem cells that are activated during injury and contribute to repair the wound.
We have identified a population of stem cells in the murine tympanic membrane that can be tracked during repair using transgenic report mice. We aim to understand how these cells are impacted by factors that have been linked to the formation of chronic perforations, with the aim of being able to stimulate repair capacity enabling non-invasive repair of chronic injuries. For this we will investigate three factors that have been predicted to lead to chronic perforations: the position of the hole, the size of the hole, and the level of infection.
Research training
During the project the student will develop skills in:
- Cell biology
- Stem cell biology
- Microbiology
- Animal handling (including a Home Office training and a personal licence)
- Transgenic mice colony management
- Microsurgery and dissection
- Imaging: including confocal and microCT
- Quantitative analysis and statistical methods
- Writing skills
- Public engagement and outreach: the lab takes part in events such as New Scientists Live, Big Bang Fair and Pint of Science and the student will actively engage with the outreach of the RNID. Recent events include “Listening to the Tree of life” an interactive stand in Einstein’s Garden at the Green Man festival.
Prof Tucker has been awarded with a King’s Supervisory Excellence Award for PhD supervision three times. The lab provides a friendly and encouraging environment for students, supported by experienced postdocs and a research assistant. Prof Tucker is the Faculty Research Integrity Champion and member of the King’s Research Culture committee. Students present their work in lab meetings (held every week) and annually at the Faculty postgraduate day and at one-day London-based conferences (e.g. Head Group Meeting, Young Embryologists conference, Molecular Genetics and Development workshop), in addition to at International conferences.
The Centre for Craniofacial & Regenerative Biology is housed at Guy’s Hospital allowing close links with the hospital and access to clinician colleagues and patient samples. The Guy’s site has a student bar for social events, two halls of residence, and hosts a variety of events open to students: including yoga classes, research forums and mindfulness.
Student support at King’s: PhD students are supported by a Thesis committee that comprises the two supervisors, two subject/technique experts and the student’s postgraduate coordinator (personal tutor). The committee meets with the student twice a year to monitor progress and provide support. The student will register as part of the Health Sciences Doctoral Training Programme, providing opportunities to meet a large cohort of fellow students.
King's offers both online and face-to-face courses on subjects including:
- Doctoral Essentials (includes Starting your PhD, Preparing for Upgrade, Preparing for Viva)
- IT Essentials (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Bibliographic resources & software)
- Statistics & Data Management
- Personal Effectiveness (including problem solving, time management)
- Resilience & Wellbeing (including mindfulness, conflict resolution and stress management for researchers)
- Communication & Impact (presentation skills, public outreach, media engagement, and public speaking)
- Writing & Publishing (good writing, editing and the publishing process)
- Careers & Employability (interviews, networking, careers beyond and in academia)
- Research Integrity
Person specification
- BSc in relevant subject: 2.1 or 1st (essential)
- MSc in relevant subject (desirable)
- Interest in stem cells and regenerative medicine
- Experience of research project in lab or computational
Next steps
Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss the project with the first supervisor prior to submitting an application.
Please apply online at apply.kcl.ac.uk following these steps:
- Register a new account/login
- Once logged in, select Create a new application
- Enter ‘Dental and Health Sciences Research MPhil/PhD (Full-time)' under Choose a programme. Please ensure you select the correct mode of study
- Select start date
- Please note: Applicants must include the project reference number (2025/02/AT/DOCS) in the 'Research proposal' and 'Funding (point 5)' sections of the application.
Professor Abigail Tucker Abigail.tucker@kcl.ac.uk
Related Centre: Centre for Craniofacial & Regenerative Biology
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