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Annual David Hobman Lecture

Ageing concerns us all, as global populations continue to grow and live longer. The Annual David Hobman Lecture brings audiences the opportunity to explore concepts of ageing, including the social, economic and policy consequences of ageing populations in both developed and developing worlds.

The Annual Lecture was set up in memory of David Hobman CBE, who was the first director of Age Concern England and Chairman of the Age Concern Institute of Gerontology at King's College London, set up in 1986.

It is organised by the King's Institute of Gerontology and in previous years, in partnership with Age UK.

Watch a replay of the 2024 lecture

More on our previous lectures

Watch previous lectures in this series on our YouTube channel

In 2023, Professor Thomas Scharf, Newcastle University, explored the multi-faceted risks of social exclusion faced by people in later life. In 2022, Professor Bobby Duffy from the Policy Institute at King's explored why generational differences are not as sharp as we think they are. In previous years, the lecture was delivered by eminent figures such as Professor Andrew Steptoe and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London.