Below are images from the project storyboard and animation:

Watch the full Re-Assure animation below:
The researchers went on to work with Tommy’s charity to create a shorter version of the film which launched as part of AlwaysAsk campaign on 24 April 2017.
Since project end, Nicola has moved to a new position of Associate Professor in Social Science applied to Health at the University of Leicester. In recognition that the women who helped develop the Re-Assure film represented a particular demographic (well educated, White British), she has secured Wellcome Trust funds for the Diversity, ethnicity and voice follow-on project. Pregnant women (n= 21) from Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities and 11 community leads / members have been recruited via community and faith based networks to explore participants views of the film via focus groups and individual interviews. Project partners include the Attenborough Arts Centre and the Centre for BME Health. An artist, Lorna Dunn, produced visual minutes during the focus groups and has developed artwork from the narratives. The project team held an exhibition at the Attenborough Arts Centre in Leicester on March 9th 2018 to share the artwork and findings, and to discuss implications for the Re-Assure film dissemination and future research.
Findings from the Diversity, ethnicity and voice follow-on project can be seen here
This is a fantastic example of collaboration across health, arts and charitable organisations to get the message out to women in a rapid way.
Professor Jane Sandall CBE
Having the opportunity to apply my particular experience and skill set to creatively solve problems in areas outside my own specialism has opened up new worlds of possibilities.
Claire Collison, artistic lead
We want to reassure pregnant women that they are not wastingtime when they speak to a health professional about a concern.
Jane Brewin, CEO, Tommy’s
Dr Nicola Mackintosh was the academic lead for the project. She was the lead researcher for the programme of research on escalation of care which underpins this project. Her PhD examined the construct of ‘rescue’ in hospital settings, and her post-doctoral fellowship based at King’s Improvement Science explored the implementation of technologies to improve patient and family contributions to safety. Nicola has taken up a new role as Associate Professor in Social Science Applied to Health at the University of Leicester where she will continue with her research on women’s involvement in maternity safety.
Professor Jane Sandall is Professor of Social Science and Women’s Health, a theme lead at CLAHRC South London, and capacity building lead at King’s Improvement Science. She is also a midwife and social scientist, and has led and collaborated on research on the quality and safety of maternity services using a range of methods. Jane was the programme lead for the research on escalation of care which underpins the Re-Assure project.
Dr James Harris is a clinical academic midwife. His doctoral training was hosted at UCL’s Centre for Behaviour change, and his post-doctoral research is based at King’s Improvement Science. He is the course director for an MSc in Improvement and Implementation science and works clinically as a senior midwife in a day-assessment/triage unit at a tertiary referral hospital.
Co-deviser of Re-Assure, Claire Collison brings her experience as a writer, artist, and facilitator to find creative solutions to all manner of challenges. She was Arts Editor for Disability Arts Magazine, and has recently taught Visual Literacy for The Photographers' Gallery, designed educational resources for Kettle's Yard, and created participatory city walks exploring the impact of breast cancer. Claire is currently Artist in Residence at The Women's Art Library, Goldsmith's College.
Patrick Beirne is an Animator/Designer and Director, whose work has clocked up over fifteen million, hits on YouTube alone, gaining awards and accolades, including: Cannes Lions Silver, D&AD yellow pencil. He was responsible for the design and animation of the film and is a founding member of Spy Pictures.